Where to start? I guess first the DTB300 question about MCH versus ARM circuit on my McCormack MAP-1, the McCormack ARM circuit is selectable on the McCormack MAP-1 pre-amp for use with 2-channel sources such as CD or Phono and it creates a 5.1 experience on a 5.1 system. According to some and IMHO Mr. McCormack has created one of the best ambience enhancement circuits of all time with the ARM circuit on the MAP-1. But I have been into MCH since the 70s, and when I discovered SACD and DVDA in MCH it was dumb luck when I discovered the McCormack ARM circuit which allowed me to listen to all my 2 channel sources in 5.1 surround sound. The McCormack UDP-1 Deluxe Universal Player plays SACD MCH, SACD Stereo, DVD-A, Redbook CD, as well as a few other formats. When listening to DSOTM which is probably once a week, I usually play DSOTM SACD MCH, but I have also played the DVD-A MCH 4.1 version which is a nice change of pace and that was supposedly done off the original Quad masters. Again I was throwing a little humor Jeff's way as I am acutely aware of his distaste for Multi-channel.

Not that there is anything wrong with that. I did in fact listen to DSOTM all the way through, in SACD MCH that night and I was listening for any oddities in bass, so I just thought I would throw in that I heard nothing irregular in the bass range on my 5.1 CLX Descent i, again I was just kidding with Jeff. Unfortunately, I have not listened to DSOTM in two channel CD or Vinyl yet, but I was planning on trying that once Jeff responded with the time stamps for where this low bass behavior was particularly obvious. Once I have that, I can listen to those particular passages and see if I can replicate his issues with my CLX Descent i system in two channel setup. I guess I was trying to avoid listening to the whole thing, if there was a particular passage or song that was easy to spot the odd bass behavior that Jeff is referring too then I could reduce the amount of listening discomfort.
Anyway, as for Jeff's response:
A: Don't want a 5.1 system
A: I understand, it was just a little joke on my part

B: I get it with one sub or two
B: Kind of like mayonnaise at Subway. I was just pointing out that I tried to do 2 Descent i subs but for me at least I could not get it to work, it muddied up the sound too much. But I guess that says for you that it is not the fact that you have too many subs, of course some subscribe to the fact that you can never be too rich, too thin, or have too many subs
C: I know how to set my system up and I had my work checked by someone from ML that said "I had the best CLX sound he'd ever heard"
C: I have no doubt of your system set-up and was not trying to say that at all. After listening to DSOTM and not hearing anything out of the ordinary I was just letting you know that I did just listen to it after reading your post and again I was trying to be funny....not enough I guess. And you do realize that your certain ML person has not heard my CLX sound in 5.1, which unarguably there is more to love in 5.1 versus 2.1

D: DSOM is the only disc this happens on.
D: At least so far, or maybe you have played everything you have, I guess I don't know but have you tried Pink Floyd Wish You Were Here? Or Maybe Erich Kunzel Time Warp, or Pink Floyd Animals? Actually I will think of a couple of other Pink Floydish albums that have similar electronic music, maybe it is just something about the DSOTM mix...who knows.
E: I'm not ruling out something really bizarre.
E: I can't believe Ethan didn't jump on this.

Just kidding...
If you can give me the time stamps to listen for this Bizarre Bass, I will listen to 2 channel just for you..... No really Jeff as you know you have helped me with several items and if I can replicate your bizarre sound, then maybe we can figure out what is doing it. I can go to 2 channel vinyl and CD but changing out my amp or pre-amp will be a whole lot tougher...But hey, one thing I have learned reading this forum....anything is possible. In fact while I was typing this post several people have joined in the discussion. And it was quiet for so long.....