Zingalis and MBLs

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Well-known member
Jul 19, 2013
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Heard these Zingalis today, the opera coming out of them was the best sound I have heard. The dealer also played them on a basic Unison research 1600 integrated amp just to show you don't need much to drive them, as they are highly sensitive, around 100db or so. 1469751_10151995102795446_1018271534_n.jpg

Also heard these MBL reference (original cost 55k GBP, powered by Halcro monos with Esoteric P05 - quite good, better than the Wilsons etc which I don't like, but the Zingali was mindblowing.

I've never heard the Zingalis, but the MBLs are fantastic! If I ever have the money, that's the speaker I will be buying. Member Gordon Gray has the MBL 116's and loves them.
Hi Fox,

Liking them even more with my new preamp.

Saw a pair of 111F's on the gon today for $15K.

But the "steal", if you have the change, is a complete MBL system (Xtremes, amps, CDP, DAC, cabling, etc.) for $150K. About 30 cents on the dollar.

Hope all is well with you and family.

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Thanks for the nice comments! If I ever have the money, (and the room to put it in) the MBL "REFERENCE MASTER" system is my dream stereo. I have actually heard this same system three times now and WOW, like nothing I've ever heard before. Just like this guy:


Hope you are doing well also and staying warm in Jackson. One of my favorite places on earth. Maybe I can have my dream system and house up there.

I'm pretty sure that's what's available for $150K.

Pricey but when you are saving $300K plus, it is a steal.

If only I had the room and the cash. OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


This Zingali orginal was 25 GBP, the dealer was selling them for 10 as they were 5 years old. However, yesterday I heard a new model which was 6.5k new price, but it was rubbish.