The magnificant PS Audio P1000 monoblocks... Rocks your world... :drool:
risabet,The P 1000 is not an amplifier. It is a power supply filter AC regenerator that is capable of running most power amps w/o any current limiting etc.
Tom, are you drooling yet !!!!
The ASR System S7R Emitter II Exclusive akku Blue Version ~ What does this thing do exactly?It looks very interesting...
Tom,Robin is TORTURING me!!! :devil:
Wait a minute... Let me just tighten that left thumb screw a little more, before I ask you this last question.... Their now...
3). Will you or do you plan to really actually own Accuphase gear of one kind or another in the future?
Second this even though we use a monobloc architecture in both our systems. I think the biggest advantage of monoblocs is their bringing of relatively large power supplies in a manageable package. The crosstalk argument is spurious I think.
Quite a few stereo amps utilise a dual mono architecture with separate transformers. Would be interesting to see if the same circuit in separate chassis had any effect.
The Gryphon Antileon is soooo cool looking... :drool: I Love it! :drool: It is sinister, I agree too cool... :drool:
I almost forgot this cool Monoblock set-up...