Why does my left Summit sound weak?

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I was an early adopter.

Regarding the last sentence in your most recent post, I was going to respond to Twist's Post No. 10 and decided against it.

I had a similar / one time problem and I called JP. He knew what the issue was (absent any queries from me) and sent me the new power module boards at no cost.

Fortunately, it was just a hiccup and I didn't need to do any internal surgery. Power surge was the likely culprit.

The fact that the ML support person first suggested to Twist that the speaker be shipped back to ML, at the buyers expense, and didn't have a clue regarding the likely fix until Twist started "probing" about probable causes, speaks for itself.

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the "early adopters" could get (DIY) replacement boards.

Not only did I get replacement boards, but ML had a tech come to my home on their nickel to replace them ...this was all acoomplished within a week. That was impressive. I helped the guy do the work and in the process learned alot about the Summits innards.
Makes perfect sense....I agree.


If the Summits were the first new gen model that Twist bought and he hadn't had exposure to another sample that was functioning properly (in a similar room / equipment environment) or didn't have someone come visit and listen to his system who knew how good the speaker can sound, how could he reasonably know he had a defective pair?
