I was trying to hold my tongue on this, but I had to say something so here it is.
In the end in comes down to that fact we want the best and we don't want pay for it.
We say with our mouth that we want quality. Then we say with out actions the want the cheapest stuff out there. Why do you think Ikea and Wal-mart etc are so popular? People are not going there for the quality, they are going there because it's cheap. Please note that I am referring to society as a whole and not us audiophiles. We as a whole are different and are willing to pay for quality so please keep that in mind as I continue.
Like most companies, at the end of the day Martin Logan's priorities are NOT about putting a great speaker into our homes for as little money as possible. It's about making money. I am not trying to pick on ML here but the unfortunate fact is companies are driven by profit not by the goodness of their hearts.
So if ML is building stuff in China, can we blame them? They are only trying to provide us with the cheap product that we are willing to pay for and at the same time maximize their profits. It's win-win situation right? Well NO.
In the end we have created a disposable society that can not sustain itself and we are going to have serious problems very soon. We are going to have to rethink our consumer driven disposable society, as companies sure are not going to do it for us. After all its good for business if we don't think. A famous politician once said something along the lines of "How great it would be if the people stopped thinking for themselves".
A corporation is a money making machine, it serves no other purpose!
I could go on forever about the problems in the corporate world, but I won't. For those of you that have not seen the documentary "The Corporation" I strongly suggest that you do.
It's a great eye opener. The world has got to change. What type of legacy are we leaving for those yet to come?
I strongly encourage you to get involved. No one is going to fix these problems for us. It's up to each and every one of us to do something about it.
There are so many things I want to say right now, but I have to bite my tongue (ouch!
This is one subject I am very passionate about. (Can you tell?)
End of rant.
P.S. By the way, the politician I was quoting was Adolf Hitler.
Also, sorry for some of the vast generalizations I have made here. But I think you guys all know the point I am trying to make.