What's up with these NFL players disrespecting our National Anthem??

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Like boxing I expect most parents will not want their kids to participate and football will start to decline in the future.

Sure there is lots of skill and ability on the playing field, but in the end it is a brutal sport.

Then again I don't watch any spectator sports of any kind, so it's not like this impacts my enjoyment of anything.

I have a question for you.

If these 'millionaires' suffer in any way due to their protest, for example to losing their job or losing sponsor-ships or getting harassed or lots of online hate.

Has that hindered or enhanced the cause of freedom?

The freedom symbolized by the flag and national anthem.

I would say that enhances freedom. What is freedom if a person has a right to protest, but people don't have a right to protest the protester? Which seems to be what you are suggesting. He has to know that sitting or kneeling during the national anthem is going to create some amount of backlash. So he shouldn't be surprised when that backlash arrives, in fact, I think he certainly expected it.
I would say that enhances freedom. What is freedom if a person has a right to protest, but people don't have a right to protest the protester? Which seems to be what you are suggesting. He has to know that sitting or kneeling during the national anthem is going to create some amount of backlash. So he shouldn't be surprised when that backlash arrives, in fact, I think he certainly expected it.


He has a right to express himself and so does everyone else :)
Nice Kevin.

Ah yes the price of freedom....losing a Nike ad. Jesus what have we become? :)

Again. I view this as pointless grand standing which does nothing to help the next family that could suffer a loss because 'hey ...we got rights!!!' Get your head out of your rear and do something that really matters for black lives. He just exacerbates the problem.
the majority of these over paid misfits have NO CLUE as what sacrifices were made by the men and women that saw to it that those rights were protected. Like most things today, the media and it's 24 hr 'blitz' have become a major source of emotional hysteria IMO ...........
I see, if I have this straight

So basically it is ok to make someone suffer (financially or otherwise) because they expressed their freedom of expression in a peaceful non violent way. (All they did was sit down or kneel FFS)


(a) You don't agree with validity of their cause; or
(d) You dont like their method of protest; or
(c) You dont believe in their suitability to represent their community; or
(d) They are rich.

These guys showed a lot of guts to do what they did. Yes, they are rich, so also it means they have a hell of a lot to lose.
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^^^ Plain and simple Scumur^^^ I don't know, or really care how you do things in Australia, here in America, we treasure our Country, Our Flag and Our National Anthem...Treasure being the key word!! I respect what you say but, I WILL NOT respect these idiots that disrespect Our country, especially when it comes from no nothing idiots with more money than they are safe to have!!

So, YES, it's ok to make someone suffer if they express their rights to protest what they feel is wrong in their eyes. Do not kid yourself, their protest may seem non violent but, it will translate into violence...Duh! It already has!!

Let's get real, more African Americans are shot and killed by fellow African Americans than by any police officer, black or white, mauve and orange for crying out loud. Where is the beef about that? None, they (African Americans) have an agenda to make them special, so they call out the police for brutality bull$hit!! Keeps their sorry a$$ agenda in the news, and the media sucks this crap up like a dog.

Does anyone remember Matthew Sheppard in Wyoming? What about that? Thousands of LGBTQ's are killed every year and an equal amount commit suicide because they are not deemed worthy by their peers, tormented, teased until they feel the only way is to kill themselves. This might just be a blessing compared to what horrors await them in the future.

I'm kind of sorry for the African Americans not getting their 40 acer's and the mule. We didn't did it to you, you're own people sold you! For God's sake quit you're whinning, lest the Gay Mafia bitch slap you back to reality!!

If this $hit continues, watch the NFL go down hard!!
^^^ Plain and simple Scumur^^^ I don't know, or really care how you do things in Australia, here in America, we treasure our Country, Our Flag and Our National Anthem...Treasure being the key word!!

But doesn't it make a mockery of these symbols of freedom and democracy if someone cant protest peacefully without retribution just because some people don't support or agree with their cause?

Anyway, I'm done. I just wanted to throw an outsiders perspective into the mix.
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But doesn't it make a mockery of these symbols of freedom and democracy if someone cant protest peacefully without retribution just because some people don't support or agree with their cause?

Anyway, I'm done. I just wanted to throw an outsiders perspective into the mix.

Yes, you are right, IMO. As a veteran, I don't particularly like it when our flag is not respected by fellow Americans, but I also understand that is his right. I also understand why he did it. Instead of getting upset about it, we should ask ourselves why he did it. We all know, but some don't really care.
I was in the military for a while, but never fought in a war.

It's pretty hard to ruffle my feathers and while I don't approve of what happened, it barely measures a blip to me.

What bothers me is that people don't show each other respect. I don't really care about the symbols, I care about the people. We have congress and the citizens of this country about ready to break into fighting in the streets over politics.

The amount of hatred and people upset over everything and anything is through the ceiling and I'm becoming a lot less tolerant of anyone getting steamed over symbolism, patriotism, or others who don't agree with them.

Our country appears to be ready to implode. That is something I care about.

Totally agreed. Example, two more black males shot and killed by police this week. Not to mention the insane political environment and lack of constructive dialogue (in DC and public discourse) we are experiencing.

Not assigning blame but the world, as we know it, is imploding with no relief in sight.

What he did, sitting during the national anthem, was very likely to offend a certain amount of the population. I am sure he knew that. I know as a business owner, I have to watch what I do, say or write that is perhaps provocative. Should I or one of my employees offend people here locally, some could be clients of my business and they may make the decision to do business elsewhere. Businesses get boycotted all the time due to the actions or policies of the owner. You are suggesting that Colin Kaeperneck, who has much more fame and money than myself, should be free from any repercussions for his actions, when I know I would most likely not receive that same benefit in a similar circumstance.

Like anyone, you need to weigh what you have to gain from your actions with what you might stand to lose. I suspect that Colin, in his mind, made that measurement and decided that sitting during the anthem was the course he would take.
A couple more African Americans shot and killed in the last few days....wonder why?? Because these idiot NFL players and #Black Lives Matter idiots have started a fire. I wonder why police officers are scared and trigger happy, they have been put on alert that 'they don't matter'!!

This country has done just about enough for these whiners, yet they want more, more, more. Act like an adult, stop committing crimes and you won't get shot...Opps...sorry...too late , you've upset the boat with your cop baiting/shootings yourselves....too bad for you now!

Look at the video's of the *******'s in NC last night...What do they hope to get done? I am disgusted with these people.

With all due respect, I think there's many things that have contributed to our current climate, which frankly spans decades, and I find it difficult to point to a single person and / or organization, movement and say it's their fault. Unfortunately and IMHO, it's far more complex than that.


I am disgusted with these people.

And yet, you don't seem to be discusted at all by a white cop that would shoot a man in cold blood, a man who had committed no crime and had his hands up, apparently solely based on the color of his skin and her inherent fear of him. You even go so far as to almost justify it based on the protests that are occurring. You're rhetoric in this thread is over the top and beginning to show serious racist overtones. I suggest you dial it back a notch.

It is interesting that you yourself identify as a member of a minority group that has been violently persecuted and has had to fight hard and protest for the right to be accepted in society. The irony of your position on this issue is palpable.
And yet, you don't seem to be discusted at all by a white cop that would shoot a man in cold blood, a man who had committed no crime and had his hands up, apparently solely based on the color of his skin and her inherent fear of him.

I have to tell you, I am not disgusted by it either, at least not at this point. The original 911 caller reporting the incident said he witnessed a man running from the vehicle saying it was going to blow up, and added "I think he's smoking something". The officer that ended up shooting him said he appeared to be on something, and now it has been reported that PCP was found in the vehicle. Being on drugs is not a reason to be shot, but it would explain behavior that would probably make any policeman nervous, especially when that person appears to be trying to get into their vehicle. The helicopter video I saw did show his hands up while he was walking, but around 22 seconds into the video he appears to drop his hand down, the helicopter swings around to the other side of the vehicle and we can't really see what is going on, and then around 32 seconds in he falls. It doesn't appear as though his hands were raised at the time he was shot. This cop may or may not have been justified, but more evidence needs to come out before I make that call.

But you not only know she's guilty from what you have seen, but because she is white and he is black, you know that apparently she shot him just due to the color of his skin. When the black police officer shot Daniel Harris, an unarmed white man, just over a month ago, there was much criticism over it, but in all the talk over it I never heard it suggested that he was shot due to his race. It's known that there was a high speed chase involved, so Daniel wasn't cooperating, but it's also known that Daniel is deaf and that might have played a role in the incident. While it might still be proven that the cop was not justified in shooting him, it's funny how when the races are reversed like in this incident, not only is there no cry of racism, but the shooting of an unarmed man also doesn't really get national exposure. There have been other white unarmed white guys shot in the last month or two, Dylan Noble being another.

Obviously, if a policeman has no justification for a shooting, they should be dealt with harshly. But I don't understand jumping to conclusions before all the evidence is out. I still remember reading Johnathan Capehart's opinion in the Washington Post, concerning the Michael Brown shooting, and how he had his hands up and how it was definitely an unjustified shooting based on race. Weeks later he had to write another article apologizing for making assumptions when the facts came out and showed that the policeman himself was acting in self defense. In my opinion, instead of constantly attacking the police for the job they are doing, why is there no criticism of all these people out there who are not obeying the orders of police officers?
So I can't help to bring more politics into this thread. One has to ask ... How could race relations go so south during the first black presidents 8 year tenure? And I'm not 'politic baiting'. I'm simply stating that electing a black man supposedly was us growing as a people or nation. The world viewed it as such I think. And now this. What is the reason ?
So I can't help to bring more politics into this thread. One has to ask ... How could race relations go so south during the first black presidents 8 year tenure? And I'm not 'politic baiting'. I'm simply stating that electing a black man supposedly was us growing as a people or nation. The world viewed it as such I think. And now this. What is the reason ?

My sense timm. Unrealistic expectations. 8 years can only do so much given the long history and lingering toxicity of racism.

So I can't help to bring more politics into this thread. One has to ask ... How could race relations go so south during the first black presidents 8 year tenure? And I'm not 'politic baiting'. I'm simply stating that electing a black man supposedly was us growing as a people or nation. The world viewed it as such I think. And now this. What is the reason ?

You are right Timm. It's not just that things have not become better under Obama, but things have actually taken a turn for the worse. A poll taken months after his election showed most Americans thinking that race relations were good. A recent poll shows that opinion has now drastically changed. If it were due to the fact that we elected a black person to become president, why wouldn't the poll taken months after his election been way down?

I don't think it is all of Obama's fault, but he certainly hasn't helped. He was very quick to say that the police "acted stupidly" in the Gates situation, before all the facts came out. Again in Ferguson, he made statements that didn't help and sent the DOJ in to investigate the racist cops who shot an innocent unarmed black man. But when riots occur, he remains largely silent until things get so bad, that he is forced to give a statement. Al Sharpton, a man with a racist past of his own and well know race agitator, is his go to man on race relations. Al Sharpton is the last person who wants the nation to become peaceful in race relations, his career has depended upon racial division. How could race relations over the past 8 years have improved, if the narrative that is constantly being driven is one of division?