What is wrong with this forum???

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Well-known member
Jan 1, 2005
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Fallout 3 Land
Forums will always have disagreement as typing is never as good as talking in person with inflection and facial expressions. Hence there will always be confusing and misunderstandings from text postings. People take this as a personal attack and just cannot seem to move on ignoring the others opinion.

Unfortunately this forum has gotten to a point and attitude we are seeing more and more. People with their holier than though attitudes yet have limited experience or time in the topic at hand. And these same people seem to want to reply to every message no matter what their level of knowledge is or not - they just seem to want to post.

If you equipment does not match up to their preferences, then your choices are just wrong.

We get the resident expert on something they have barely owned.

We have people speculating on a particular speaker being wrong in a room we have never been in - I bet ML loves this for their sales.

What about the posts to buy a particular amp as the solution, yet the person suggesting has never been at that persons house and heard their rig or even knows what the poster prefers?

What about the posts to move speakers this way or that way, yet they have never been to that house or room?

Then we get people here who have a ton of experience in a particular field and they state their opinion and then everyone is ready to lynch this person because it disagrees with their SUBJECTIVE opinion.

Unfortunately these observations make it seem like everyone here falls into this, but it is the few that cause the issues for the others.

Over time I have steadily backed off from posting here, and this just confirms more and more that I have followed the right path.

You can reply to this post all you want, but I will not reply back. I have stated my position and opinion, take it or leave it as it is neither right nor wrong, just an opinion and something MAYBE to think about.

It is sad to see a forum which use to be great steadily go down the typical forum path.
I think this is still a great forum, but I agree that you have brought up some very valid points. There are a few members here who too quickly IMHO attack others or get too defensive. I think Dan hit the nail on the head when you stop to realize that when speaking to someone it is different than when reading what they're saying.
Well, I'm posting a lot cos I'm just flat out bored at the moment...:D But I do try to make the best posts I can... (not sure this is a great one, though!).

People are just people and they have their flaws. You'll see that here, just like you do on other fourms. Filter out the crap based on your own experience.

I'm sorry but I see very little of what you are talking about here. I think the posting is thoughtful, careful, measured and respectful about 90% of the time. Your thread starter here would be a exception. Smile a bit all is not lost.:music:

Doug - out
its a public forum I think we will see that once in a while I will agree with tonepub and say I think it has been very civil lately anytime you are not face to face you could experience a little of what I like to call "telephone tough guy" syndrome I am sure I have been guilty of this myself. I think people can filter out the garbage themselves. this forum is actually a lot better than other forums I have been on for other topics.
I don't quite get it. It's called a FORUM and it is all about expressing your views and hearing other's views. If we all agreed, there would be no need for a forum, would there? How boring.

Audio, particularly, is subjective and as such it polarises opinions. That this is a "mixing pot" of different tastes and opinions is the whole damn idea!!

What about the posts to buy a particular amp as the solution, yet the person suggesting has never been at that persons house and heard their rig or even knows what the poster prefers?

Now, this is the only bit I do agree with. But I'm more annoyed with those that ask these type of questions in the first place. I mean, why would I ask or care what someone else's opinion of a particular amp is? But if you're silly enough to ask this type of question, then you deserve a silly response (eg. from someone that doesn't know your taste or room!).

So, short of someone posting "I bought magic dots and they improve the sound", followed by 50 or so posts to the effect of "Yes, I bought the dots and I like them too", I don't quite see what you're getting at!
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now that I think about it more it is BS post like this that fire everybody up!!!
he talks about people posting about equipment that they do not own and he has 1,830 posts
without any pics of his own stuff " at least none that I can see" that is a little hypercritical I think.
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now that I think about it more it is BS post like this that fire everybody up!!!
he talks about people posting about equipment that they do not own and he has 1,830 posts
without any pics of his own stuff " at least none that I can see" that is a little hypercritical I think.
So you are in effect saying that my good buddy Rich had better post pics of his system before posting anything contentious. :D
I think he should. its a little low to just start complaning about the way people post and there experience and so forth. I just think his thread is a little out of line and stirs up some of the very trouble he is talking about especially from someone who won't even say what country he lives in only listing "earth" . this thread smacks of the high browed comments from the doc a while back you know the guy who said he would no longer associate with a bunch of near do wells because it just would not be healthy:cool: the one who bought a pair of statements or so he said once again no pics. come on this is a forum about HiFi speakers lets lighten up a bit I think it is run rather well.the members all seem to do there best to respond to people Q's and A's the best they can. the last thing we need is somebody crying about people's post I think most of the members and the post I read are top notch.if you have a problem with someone you should confront them head on
istead of a posting a thread that is this obscure. once again I do not know how I allow myself to get suckerd into these negative threads
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Whats wrong -follow up to DTB's post

What is funny is the people who objected to Dan's post may have issues. I have to agree. Some of the questions asked like, "what amp to buy", are not well thought out and may be genuinely naive and to be able to decipher this in a post is difficult. In general it is not a bad question but it is like what color car should I buy. I think some of those same posts and similar posts are just people who like to hear themselves talk. They really do not care about the answer just want a bunch of opinions, stir the pot and generate a lot of "noise" because they do not have the money or place to put the stuff they are asking about and not really searching for a resolution.

On the other side, it is very narrow minded to think that a particular piece of equipment is the "be all to end all" in what ever it is suppose to do. If that were the case there would only be a few audio manufactures. The simplicity and complexity of this hobby is one of balance on many levels and how ever you decide to participate is a personal endeavor. It is my belief that this forum was set up to discuss issues relating to ML products and then ancillary equipment which will help improve their own musical experience with ML products and their overal systems.

In reality, each one of us is participating in the Arts, via the extension audio and sometimes video participation. This is a form of expression which is purly subjective on the creator and the participant(s) with nothing more. So take a step back enjoy the experience, enjoy the ride but share the enthusiasm and emotionality but not emotional tirades which below on the playground not here.

R U guys kidding?

What is funny is the people who objected to Dan's post may have issues. I have to agree. Some of the questions asked like, "what amp to buy", are not well thought out and may be genuinely naive and to be able to decipher this in a post is difficult. In general it is not a bad question but it is like what color car should I buy. I think some of those same posts and similar posts are just people who like to hear themselves talk. They really do not care about the answer just want a bunch of opinions, stir the pot and generate a lot of "noise" because they do not have the money or place to put the stuff they are asking about and not really searching for a resolution.

Not a good analogy my friend. What KIND of car to buy would be a better one. Of course these questions make a lot of sense. You get answers from folks that have owned a variety of amps over the years. They get a chance to pass along a bit of the info (and of course opinion) that they have accumulated. I have always found these discussions very important, and have used them in my own purchases. You can't very easily go to a store these days that carries Plinus, Threshold, CJ, Pass Labs, MBL, Cary etc. So having a place to gather some prelim knowledge is wonderful.

Can't believe anyone would need to defend these kind of posts.......................are some of you guys kidding? What else is this forum for? Just to post pics?:confused:

Doug - out
To be perfectly honest I am pretty sure the site is more fun when people are not so "civil". At least they are being honest. If someone thinks my system sucks or a component I chose sucks then so be it. Again at least they were honest.

Ok I got off track -

DTB300 I think you perpetuate the negative feelings that you are criticizing with this thread. By saying you are tired of the negative feelings and a lot of people are A-holes then aren't you stooping to their level? Just a thought???

I think smack talking is fun and if I want to say that the Martin Logan Summits are the worst speaker I have ever heard than so be it. If that offends you then maybe you should not be so easily offended.

Ok I got of my soap box. Off to have a beer with my friends. :rocker::eek:
I don't think there is anything wrong with this forum other than the occasional disagreement and troll.

People think differently based on their life experiences. Online forums provide a way to share thoughts, ideas and these life experiences with each other.

It's very important to remember a few things here and on all online forums:

1. If you have never met someone in person, it's sometimes difficult to gauge sarcasm, dry humor and other personality traits. Many of us have met one another in person and know these traits, so when we read posts that might look a little biting to the noob, we know it's just their personality coming thru.

2. It is VERY important to try and use smilies :confused::eek::D:mad:to help convey these types of personality traits in a post.

3. There are people who are just plain a-holes and like to argue and stir up ****... We try hard to keep these people off the site.

4. You don't always have to respond to something... Sometimes it's better to agree to disagree or ignore the posting of someone who know always takes a contradictory position just for the sake of argument.

5. learn to ignore people.

6. don't take things so personally. Thicken up your skin.

Also, there is no law that says you have to be on here every day posting and reading.. Take a break from the site for a few days and then come back

Like a lot of us, I'm on several other forums and I think the general demeanor of this site is really good, comparatively...

Anyway, that's my .02
good point Tom. the great Andy Warhol once said that "in the future everybody will be famous for 15 min" well maybe it is time for a break;)
I have not been here very long but I find this forum to be one of the least contentious that I visit
Hey Tom,

Great post. I continue to enjoy and learn from others. I'll do my best to grow some thicker skin.

Sorry that Jeff cites my recent thread. I guess he is used to people claiming he exists in a fantasy world. I am not. Goes to personal integrity. Something I will always defend.

Sorry Dan that you feel the way you do although I can certainly understand that perspective. Having said that, why did you start this thread? Frankly, I don't get IT.

As an aside, this is the only forum that I have chosen to share my views and perspective.

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