Well-known member
Couldn't tell it from your spelling and grammar. I would have guessed fourth grade.
Barely fourth grade thanks for noticeeeinnngggg (SP)
Couldn't tell it from your spelling and grammar. I would have guessed fourth grade.
It's a shame your thread degenerated like it did simply because of your inability to state your opinion without making personal attacks on other forum members.
Chretien, Phillippe, Harper I grew up on the border
WRONG ! Current is Harper, previous 3 were Paul Martin, Jean Chretien, and Brian Mulroney.. .we hardly count Kim Campbell.. she got the boot.
Sheesh ya could have at least googled it for the right answer.. but, hey.. I don't expect any better from an Atlantan.. every frigging street is named PeachTree !!![]()
Yes once again your right I did make a personal attack.
That does not change the fact that you are a keyboard bully and a jerk.
Apparently, you have an inability to distinguish between fact and opinion. Stating my opinion and then defending against a personal attack hardly qualifies me as a bully. Or a jerk. However, when you throw out a personal attack at me and then dismiss the opinion of another forum member as a "foreigner with an opinion", simply because we disagreed with the substance of your post, well that certainly makes you appear to be both a bully and a jerk.
Thanks, Rich. As usual, you are right on point.
I am deeply saddened -- for our country -- that the supremes installed Bush as prez. What a disaster -- and IMHO he pretty much made a mockery of the Presidency. He and his minions ("let's not regulate anything") proved to be an absolute disaster for our Country, and many, many people have suffered as a result. Unless, of course, you're a Big Bank or Big-Time Wall Street type, then of course no problem.
You know, if one has sufficient intellect to look objectively at the horrendous mess that Obama inherited from Bush / Cheney, it is pretty clear-cut which one is smart enough to pull this Country through the mess and which one was responsible for the mess (DUH!).
But, can he get ANY cooperation from the republicans? Not on your life! You see, the republican leadership prefers to put partisan politics ABOVE the best interests the country.
I do not know what has happened to the Tip O'Neill types or the Everett Dirkson types the were leaders of their party, yet were almost always to work together across the aisle for the good of out Country. To simply adopt a blatantly political (and shameless) to oppose whatever the President proposes means McConnell and Doofes (Boehner) could be replaced by a computer that is only programmed to say "No." Frankly, as a former republican (Goldwater / Reagan -- go figure), I am appalled at the ridiculous behavior of almost all of the republicans.
BTW, whatever happened to "gotta support the President, or you're a disloyal American"? Huh? C'mon, you can disagree now, and still not be branded a disloyal American. That crap was all back in the years when Shrub was prez.
Anyway, I actuallly was never so hot on the Beatles, as they heaved plenty of insults towards American Women and the United States in their heyday. Wasn't much into their music, either.
But now, just maybe, given Paul's comment, I might have to revise my opinion upward a notch or two.![]()
I may not be able to distinguish between fact and opinion.
But I can distinguish between someone who is always looking for a keyborad fight and a Jerk, look in the mirror.
Classic! Thanks for confirming my previous posts in this thread.
And for the record, I don't look for fights. Nor do I shirk from them. I do enjoy a spirited debate, arguing facts and opinions on various issues. But when hardheaded guys like you can't handle a contrary opinion without resulting to personal insults, well, I can play that game too. I try very hard to not attack another forum member personally during a debate, until that person drops the gauntlet and attacks me. But oh, I'm the bully . . .
Len44: Enjoyed reading your response. As always.
It is not about politics on this one for me it is about much more.
And yet, when republicans in Congress directly insulted the sitting President during an official speech to Congress, you somehow managed to miss that one? Didn't bother to start a thread about that classless act, did you? Pretending your politics don't come into play with your reaction here is pitiful and disingenuous.
Bush disgraced himself and this country and he deserves heaps of scorn from Americans and foreigners alike. That is why I have no problem with what McCartney said. Had he disparaged the Office of the Presidency, rather than Bush personally, I would have been offended. But as it is, I think his comment hit the nail on the proverbial head and I take no offense from it at all.
There you go again trying to turn my original post into something more than I said or intended , take a deep breath read it again and try and remain calm we can get you through this!
Fine, I'll break it down for you. You think McCartney (an Englishman) showed a lack of class by insulting a former American president while receiving an honor from the current president in the White House. Is that about right?
I think that McCartney's comment was pithy, humorous, and right on target. I don't believe it exhibited a lack of class. I think that Bush's actions in office opened him up for just this type of comment for the foreseeable future, from Americans and foreigners alike. I think the comment reflects accurately on Bush as a person, and in no way insults our Country or the Office of the Presidency. As much as it was an insult to Bush, it was also a compliment to Obama. So you see, we have a difference of opinion on the substance of your post.
But guess what? They are both just opinions! Everybody's got one. Just because you are so attached to yours doesn't make mine wrong. Just because DoubleD is a Canadian doesn't make his irrelevant. And just because I'm willing to state mine and defend it doesn't make me a bully.
And just because I'm willing to state mine and defend it doesn't make me a bully.
No what makes you a keyboard bully is just this , taking someones post wrapping your own moral and political judgements around it and defending it to the death like some frustrated high school debate team reject.
Your hate for President Bush is really at an unhealthy level. If you disagree with his policies or consider his presidency a failure thats your right, but dont turn my post into a political rant. I was speaking of the big picture and an offense that I took over a foreign guest taking a cheap shot at one of our former presidents.
A sweet moment, but McCartney topped it off with a bite. After thanking the Library of Congress one last time, he let it rip: "After the last eight years, it's good to have a president that knows what a library is."
What a *********!!! I am sick of jerks like this!!
Here he is a guest in our country and is performing for our President and he insults a former president at that performance , just goes to show that being knighted dosent ensure you have class.
Even if you dont like Bush you have to feel angered that a foreigner in our country being honored insults one of our own and all the idiots on stage with him laughed right along ( Jerry Seinfeld, Stevie Wonder, ect )
What ever happened to patriotism and sticking up for our own.
Sorry for the rant I am just ****ed off about this classless act