Yes, lifting is actually one of the greatest strengthing exercises anyone could adopt but very few do In fact my physio always says, the most important muscle is not biceps, triceps or quads but the heart! If that muscle stops you're gone! So cardio is just as important as lifting I've got osteoarthritis now, mostly in my knees. I can't run anymore nor walk on concrete for long hours. I still see my physio every month and manage to get through the gruelling schedule provided, it keeps me going. So it's a tailor made program that includes a combination of cardio with lifting in-between, so not just lifting.
As we grow older, no matter how much you lift, there's significant muscle loss every year... so the idea to stay fit is keep up the routine and workouts, do as much as possible when possible. And most of all, don't overdo it! Don't want yo end up like Ronnie Coleman, I'd prefer Frank Zane.
Cheers, RJ