Vick has landed ........

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Nov 25, 2005
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Eagles have signed Michael Vick...let the PETA protests begin !!

go Bills !! :eek:
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The guy may have served his time, but that doesn't necessarily mean he's now a better man. Even as a kid I knew that only a sick mind could find amusement in torturing an animal, and sick minds don't change easily. I have heard others express opinions about how he admitted to his crime and then served his time. But remember, he first lied about his involvement in killing the dogs and only "admitted" his mistakes when his pals turned on him and spoke of his involvement. It's easy to admit to your crimes when the evidence starts stacking up against you and you're looking for a more lenient punishment. I was once one of NFL footballs biggest fans. But I had already started to become sick of hearing people making millions, for running around with a ball, complaining about contracts that they themselves signed. Stuff like this just adds icing to the cake. If the weather is nice on a Sunday this fall, I'll go fishing or hiking before spending a day watching these guys.
. If the weather is nice on a Sunday this fall, I'll go fishing or hiking before spending a day watching these guys.

Couldn't agree with you more Kevin !!

Remember this we live in a 'dual standard' society, because he's Michael Vick (one time poster child of the NFL) he gets the 'get out of jail easy' card. Yes he served 'time' and time will tell if he has really changed his ways (this should be a no-brainer even if he only has half a brain).

But as my buddy said at breakfats this AM (he's a pilot for Delta) if it were him he would get NO second chance, so Vick.....count your blessings son !
Couldn't agree with you more Kevin !!

Remember this we live in a 'dual standard' society, because he's Michael Vick (one time poster child of the NFL) he gets the 'get out of jail easy' card. Yes he served 'time' and time will tell if he has really changed his ways (this should be a no-brainer even if he only has half a brain).

But as my buddy said at breakfats this AM (he's a pilot for Delta) if it were him he would get NO second chance, so Vick.....count your blessings son !

Overall I don't think he's sorry about it. If I were Vick I'd be kissing the humane society's ass right now along with PETA to try and change my image.

"Judge ye not lest thou be judged"!
I couldn't agree more with you about the double standards but I don't expect that to change in the near future.

Here in Florida there are very sever standards for animal abuse.

Currently a husband and wife are on trial for miss treatment of their boxer (dog). He was 40 pounds under weight and barely alive when rescued. He is now regaining is health in a new home.
They were offered a plea deal to receive 2 years in prison and 3 years probation and refused it. They now stand to spend 5 years in prison and 2 years on probation.
They claimed they just didn't have the money to feed the dog. Though, when I saw them on the news it didn't appear they had missed many meals.

It makes Michael Vick's 23 months for fighting, torturing and killing dogs seem pitiful.
Interesting Brad.....I wonder how that compares to Dante Stallworth, convicted of invouluntary Manslaughter........ and he serves what..... two days in jail ?? !!
The so called "Stars" have always been given a pass and in some cases a moment of silence in our congress. the pedophile MJ I would like to think thet Vick learned a lesson and has been rehabilitaded but I doubt it. Like most criminals his only regret is that he got caught.

If I were him I would keep my mouth shut and do what he does best throw the ball also getting in bed with the 2 largest animal euthanasia groups will do no good at all.
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one of the main reasons I don't watch sports is because of all of the criminals the teams hire it's really nothing but a bunch of ill mannered thugs these days.
one of the main reasons I don't watch sports is because of all of the criminals the teams hire it's really nothing but a bunch of ill mannered thugs these days.

Well said Fish. Well said!
What is Mark Mc Gwire doing these days? :rolleyes: Oh and for the record I do watch sports. You don't have to be a star on the football field to be a criminal (Bernie Madoff).
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We need to make the punishment fit the crime. Vick

should be thrown in a pit with another of his cohorts. Two

men enter,one man leaves, just like what they did to the

Let a rapist get some real man-love and a child abuser


Is an eye for an eye a step back in evolution or a solution

to a growing indifference in our society? I'm not sure but

let the pay per view revenues of a Vick/manfight to the

death go to animal rescue and education and I'm fine with

The way some of the sentiment is here in Philly right now it would probably work just to let him loose with the fans in the parking lot during pre-game tailgating !!
We need to make the punishment fit the crime. Vick

should be thrown in a pit with another of his cohorts. Two

men enter,one man leaves, just like what they did to the

Let a rapist get some real man-love and a child abuser


Is an eye for an eye a step back in evolution or a solution

to a growing indifference in our society? I'm not sure but

let the pay per view revenues of a Vick/manfight to the

death go to animal rescue and education and I'm fine with


That is as outlandish as it gets. He was DOG fighting. Yes its cruel, and a crime. Its done EVERY day in many southern states and millions of $$$ exchanges hands. I do not commend it . To compare him to a rapest or a Child abuser id plain IGNORANT! Dog fighting as many see it is just a sport like Cock fighting. or Boxing. They just cant afford the publicity or the high rent districts . The Black market fighting of dogs or humans will always be a way of life.
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That is as outlandish as it gets. He was DOG fighting. Yes its cruel, and a crime. Its done EVERY day in many southern states and millions of $$$ exchanges hands. I do not commend it . To compare him to a rapest or a Child abuser id plain IGNORANT! Dog fighting as many see it is just a sport like Cock fighting. or Boxing. They just cant afford the publicity or the high rent districts . The Black market fighting of dogs or humans will always be a way of life.

....he wasn't just dog fighting. He was hanging, electrocuting,
and bashing dogs' heads in. Yes, i think he's as despicable as
pedophiles and rapists. You're obviously not a dog lover. Your mentality
is just the type that welcomed him back in the NFL.
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....he wasn't just dog fighting. He was hanging, electrocuting,
and bashing dogs' heads in. Yes, i think he's as despicable as
pedophiles and rapists. You're obviously not a dog lover. Your mentality
is just the type that welcomed him back in the NFL.[/QUOT

Welcomed , NO , The NFL is full of ex criminals and Thugs as stated. :rolleyes::rolleyes: Approval , NO! :rolleyes: Cruel and inhumane , YES.

I don't approve of what he did , but its all part of the sport . What you think is cruel and unusual is not to many who believe in the sport of dog fighting.

As for Dog lover , If you do some searching Before you post You would be a bit more educated. Ignorance is bliss.
....he wasn't just dog fighting. He was hanging, electrocuting,
and bashing dogs' heads in. Yes, i think he's as despicable as
pedophiles and rapists. You're obviously not a dog lover. Your mentality
is just the type that welcomed him back in the NFL.[/QUOT

Welcomed , NO , The NFL is full of ex criminals and Thugs as stated. :rolleyes::rolleyes: Approval , NO! :rolleyes: Cruel and inhumane , YES.

I don't approve of what he did , but its all part of the sport . What you think is cruel and unusual is not to many who believe in the sport of dog fighting.

As for Dog lover , If you do some searching Before you post You would be a bit more educated. Ignorance is bliss.

Sorry, but you don't sound like a dog lover. Electrocuting and hanging
dogs is "cruel and inhumane", but just part of the "sport". You are
defending it. What dog lover would do that?
Sport?? Raising dogs to become vicious so you can place bets on which one will die or become disfigured in a ring isn't a sport in my book. If we want sport, then lets place Vick in cage with a few of the dogs he trained and we'll see just how elusive and evasive he really is, now that would be sporting! I wouldn't put what he did up there with child abusing or raping, but it's not that far beneath it. Obviously, the NFL was just blowing smoke when it said it was going to start cleaning up it's image. I hope they lose a good share of fans, they certainly got rid of this one.