Upgraded System

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:) Wow! I have finally upgraded my system with a B&K reference 200.7 Amp. What a big difference. My systen now consist of the following:

Fronts- Clarity(s)
Center - Cinema i (new replaced the vignette)
Surrounds - Mosiacs (new replaced 2.5 NHT)
Surround Backs - Advents 6 ohms speakers(indoor out door 10 years old)
Processor -Denon 4802R
Amps - B&K ref 2 200.7 / Onkyo amp- outside and other rooms in the house
Sony Wega 60inch LCD3
Monster 2600 surge protector
JVC 100 cd juke box ( 10 years old works fine)
Motorola HDTV cable box

I must say the system sounds and look great will take picture soon.

My two cents, you went from the low of the high-end, to the middle of the high-end which is called mid-fi.

Mid-fi is the most bang for the buck (where I have spent most of my life), and if you go on to the over priced stuff you will look back on this as the good old days .

Now if you are willing to give up on your "juke box" you will re-experience your entire CD collection. However if you are happy where you are at - stay there! Everything after this comes out of the; down-payment on house fund/college fund/collector car fund or what ever other interest you have. ;)
Enjoy the great sounds of your ML's...


First of all, Welcome to the greatest web site for ML enthusists... :D
It is good to hear, that you are enjoying your new, B&K 200.7 Ref. amplifier. You should concider posting your system on the member systems section of the, 'ML Culb'... I would really like to see your set-up. The ML speakers you listed in your system are wonderful. I like the looks of the Clarity's, they are fantastic.

You say that you are using, Advents, in / out door speakers for your surround backs... Are you concidering up-grading in the future? What are you using for interconnect cables? Are you using a subwoofer? If so, what kind of subwoofer are you using?

I hope that you enjoy the sound of your ML's. Remember, to quote the great "Roberto", "Trust your ears". :D


kach22i said:
Now if you are willing to give up on your "juke box" you will re-experience your entire CD collection. However if you are happy where you are at - stay there! Everything after this comes out of the; down-payment on house fund/college fund/collector car fund or what ever other interest you have. ;)
Agree with this a upgraded CD Player needs to be next on your list. This will your take your other great gear to the next level!!
Taz said:
Agree with this a upgraded CD Player needs to be next on your list. This will your take your other great gear to the next level!!

Now if you are willing to give up on your "juke box" you will re-experience your entire CD collection. However if you are happy where you are at - stay there! Everything after this comes out of the; down-payment on house fund/college fund/collector car fund or what ever other interest you have.

Taz and kach are right on it. Upgrading that CD player would be a QUANTUM leap for your system. You have a great foundation and a good CD player would give you hours upon hours of pure listening pleasure. When I upgraded from my old Denon (which would be an upgrade from the JVC) I went through my entire CD collection in a matter of days. I didn't want to turn the system off or go to bed at night! You should audition some stuff from one of your local dealers that way if your like me and money is tight, you can start saving for what you like once you find it. Congrats on your upgrade and taking your first steps towards sonic nirvana! :D
Yet another "jukebox" option (NO noise whatsoever) is the Squeezebox2 (www.slimdevices.com), with or without mods, with or without an outboard DAC. Rip all your CD's to FLAC files, and store them remotely on a network computer or network attached storage. You'll get bit-perfect audio out, with full remote control, and a large visible display. Can't beat the price and convenience. Both Red Wine Audio and Bolder Cable are offering SB2 mods for those seeking the holy grail of streaming audio.