well been using these for a bit now and they really do make the sound more real . I am reluctant to take off the spikes as I might damage them getting them in the holes and they adjust the height .
they also look rather good , p.s they are mounted on wood otherwise the feet dig in to the carpet and make movement impossible
Yes, the legs of the speaker, above the spikes
I have been to his room, there is not much space to pull it forward so he has done what he can, also put some traps behind
Ok………not trying to bust your bubble but looks are subjective and I think they look ridiculous, with that being said, given the pics you've posted your Logan's are position horribly ! Way too close to room boundaries, so IMO, you would be much better served to correct that first.
Bottom line is this, if your using stats, planers or anything dipole correct speaker placement first and foremost……..anything else is a 'bandaid' !!
ah sadly one has to compromise in a domestic situation , I do have sounding absorbing material behind and have them out as much as possible and they still spound fabulous but if you want to have your wife let you keep them you have to compromise !!
My wife bought me a Koetsu Rosewood for Christmas one year, and was the instigator in my buying my MLs and one other component. She finds it terrible when a wife has unilateral say about what goes into a living/music room (and where). We discuss the placement of components and her plants, and come to a compromise.That's so funny! A couple of nights ago, my better half and I were at my brother and his wife's house for dinner. Carrie (mine) and Nicole (brother's) began speaking about decoration of our respective homes. I had offered Carrie every square foot of the condominium except the living room, which is only slightly larger than the bedrooms, but has no neighbor shared walls. I thought I was being a real king among men with my generous offer. After the two girls spoke though, it was abundantly clear how unfair I was being.lol.
Does anyone else find that their music hobby is sometimes looked upon as a very odd, borderline nutty addiction? I don't smoke ($11.00 per pack in B.C.) and I bought a very small and inexpensive car, so I figure I should be able to have this harmless and fun hobby instead, right? There are worse addictions, certainly
I do have sounding absorbing material behind
Mine was on a carpet, but you can experiment.
well been using these for a bit now and they really do make the sound more real . I am reluctant to take off the spikes as I might damage them getting them in the holes and they adjust the height .
they also look rather good , p.s they are mounted on wood otherwise the feet dig in to the carpet and make movement impossible
hi christos , my son is a marvellous pair of ears and he said they sound cleaner
when bonzo came up to hear they did have a slight bloomy bass perhaps , now it is a sharp well defined bass
also I swear they are more realistic sounding and definitely a big improvement
I never tried anything else to raise them up but previously I did have them fairly high on chopping boards so not a huge increase in height
I have them as upright as possible with a slight slope backwards , I think the pics are deceptive
well been using these for a bit now and they really do make the sound more real . I am reluctant to take off the spikes as I might damage them getting them in the holes and they adjust the height .
they also look rather good , p.s they are mounted on wood otherwise the feet dig in to the carpet and make movement impossible
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