Rather than start a new thread about this topic, I thought it better to revive this discussion about DBT. I just read an article that appeared in Hi-Fi+ Magazine awhile ago about a DBT with six different brands of IC/SC groupings at different price levels. The link to the article (which can also be found on Nordost's website) is here:
I'll cut to the chase for those who rather not read the entire article, though I think it is definitely worth the read for those interested in the subject. This is how the cables ranked overall:
1) Nordost Valhalla (most expensive IC; 3rd most SC)
2) Chord Signature (4th; 5th)
3) Stereovox Symmetry (2nd; 1st)
4) Siltech SQ-110/LS-188 (3rd; 2nd)*
5) Audience Au24 (5th; 4th)
6) QED Q-nect 3/Silver Anniversary (6th; 6th)
*After adjustment. See article for more details.
The article breaks down the methodology/systems used/results with more detail than I care to copy here. Suffice it to say for now that at least one mainstream audio review publication (not including Audioholics in this assessment, though I think that website has a useful role to play in the audio/video review industry) has conducted a DBT test and has published those results. I am of the belief that whatever method you employ to choose a component for your system is fine, as long as you are satisfied with your choice, cables being no different than any other component in that regard (yes, I think of cables as components). I found the article useful to read, even if it is not a method I would employ to make a decision. Have at it...