Gordon Gray
Well-known member
I heard he gives quite a bit away to charities, non profits, etc. True?
Warren Buffet made $12 billion in 2016 but pays 17% effective tax rate. Just raising his tax to 35% would have made the government $2.1 billion.
I've read a few times that his charitable donations are through the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, as it is very well managed. I've no idea, though, how much he gives, but I think he released his taxes recently in a challenge, so it should be easy to find that out.I heard he gives quite a bit away to charities, non profits, etc. True?
while we have(for the most part) kept this thread civil I thought I'd share this video with all, a reminder of what we stand for .........
As you may have seen in past threads. I'm not a proponent of taxing people at higher rates because they can 'afford' it. Of course affording is relative. My belief is simply successful people should be applauded not penalized. I'm sure if you did the math on buffets figure at 17% that would also be a ridiculous number. But according to many that bottom line figure is just not enough. And let's not get into that discussion as I just don't believe it is fair. It's really aligning spending with taxes. Not the other way around.
The wealthy benefits most of the investments made by the government so they should pay more in taxes.
They benefit from a more education work force, better infrastructure, low crime, and social and economic stability.
You can be a billionaire in this country without worrying about you or your relatives being kidnapped for ransom.
Your business can attract enough skill workers to be a world class enterprise.
You don't have to worry about being extorted by government officials or that your wealth can be taken away from you at anytime.
If you look at every developed country, personal tax rates are way higher (http://money.cnn.com/interactive/pf/taxes/top-income-tax-rate/?iid=EL).
Also effective tax rates are kinda interesting, they keep going up relative to your income until you are rich enough to hire your own team of tax lawyers. After that point your rate starts going down because you can take advantage of tax loopholes. https://americansfortaxfairness.org...at the "Rich People" get that you or I don't?
-Are you suggesting that average Americans which you may or may not be don't benefit from an educated work force that are more productive and help bring stability to the economy? That you don't benefit from a better infrastructure of the country? That you don't benefit from a lower crime rate? That social and economic stability is of no value to you?
-If you are not a billionaire as I am not do you worry you or your relatives are going to be kidnapped in our country?
-No benefit to the now skilled workers that made the effort to become a skilled workers in the same country using the same system?
So you work hard to build a business and the government takes 35% of what you make?
-If you want the government to take care of all of your needs and mandates as to your vacation time and tell companies when they can and can't close plants and let workers go then your preference would be one of those countries.
[/QUOTE]- What percent of Americans or tax payers do you think get tax advice? Can you tell me what tax loopholes that the "Rich People" get that you or I don't?
while we have(for the most part) kept this thread civil I thought I'd share this video with all, a reminder of what we stand for .........
Rich, impeachment has to start in the House. Highly improbable at least for about two years.
Don't hold your breath.
My half of NJ went solidly for Trump and will do it again. The only Hilllary sign I ever saw was Hillary for prison.
We should secede.