That fireplace is a pain in the... :)

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Well-known member
Mar 18, 2006
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I've been fighting the issue of having unbalanced speakers due to having a fireplace just to the left of the left speaker which caused it to sound louder. So I moved the audio equipment to the other side of the room and like magic the left and right speakers were balanced. Took me over a year to decide that’s what I needed to do. Link to new images...

I wish I could find a solution like this - I find my imaging is not really unbalanced, but a but unstable, due in part to the cathederal ceilings. No way of fixing that unfortunately!
Amey, I've never heard of cathedral ceilings being a bad thing. Perhaps this applies to electrostats, but a buddy of mine had some dipol Mirage speakers which were the same height as my aeons and it sounded very, very good.
Amey, I've never heard of cathedral ceilings being a bad thing. Perhaps this applies to electrostats, but a buddy of mine had some dipol Mirage speakers which were the same height as my aeons and it sounded very, very good.

Could be that with all the volume that the room is very live. I expect that if you clap your hands you will hear an echo. So in a very live room, you are getting a bunch of extra space added to the recording. Just a guess on my part.......Steve
I've been fighting the issue of having unbalanced speakers due to having a fireplace just to the left of the left speaker which caused it to sound louder...

Alternatively, you could've built a matching fake fireplace on the right :D

Your setup looks even more awesome now with the rack centered!
Alternatively, you could've built a matching fake fireplace on the right :D

Your setup looks even more awesome now with the rack centered!

Ya, would cost a bit more. Now the room is more balanced and the wife is happier about it which is a good thing! :D

I hope to schedule another audition soon to present the Pass Labs X1 preamp. :music:
Amey, I've never heard of cathedral ceilings being a bad thing. Perhaps this applies to electrostats, but a buddy of mine had some dipol Mirage speakers which were the same height as my aeons and it sounded very, very good.

The room sounds fantastic - I'm not worried about that - it's only the imaging that I find a problem. Perhaps some room treatments are in order on the high wall in the room. I'm not sure, but we're hoping to move to Queensland some time soon so I'm not to hung up about it.