System #68 (Vista)

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Well-known member
May 23, 2005
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Queensland, Australia
Updated pics below.

Name: Adam
Location: Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia
ML Model: Vista
Year Purchased: November 2006
Mods/Changes: Nil

Marantz 8300 SACD Player
Squeezebox Touch
Audiolab M-DAC Digital --> Analogue converter
Classé CA-101 Amplifier
Copland CTA-305 valve preamplifier
Dual CS505 Turntable / OM10
Behringer DEQ2496 for sub EQ
Audioquest Sidewinder Interconnect
Audioquest Type 4 / Chord Carnival speaker cable
Whise Profunder 119 (Australia) powered subwoofer
Shunyata Hydra Power conditioner

My little story: Before my first MLs (the Aerius), I owned a pair of higher-end Australian floor-standing towers for over five years. The Sonique 6.5SE if anyone knows or is interested. I was really happy with these. They are an extremely good design, purchased in 1997 and still current, lead lined, silver wired, lead filled etc.

I went and listened to the Aerius just out of interest at a dealer that happened to have a few used MLs for sale at the time.

That was it - they did things I had not heard from loudspeakers before - at any price. I had to have them.

The next day, I went back and did a deal. I got them home and lo-and-behold, my little Pimare amplifier couldn't cope. So back it was. I finally settled on the Copland pre and Classé amp you see now in my system.

The Aerius were great, but missing that few "somethings" that the Sonique could do well, so as soon as the Vista was released, it was back for an audition. Needless to say, I was the first owner of the Vista in Australia.

Couldn't be happier


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Cool, looks like a well balanced system.

Those speakers look really far apart. Does the center stage fill in with the amount of toe-in you have?

I'm asking because I've never had my system set up this way and have fought to gain a solid center stage (room treatments saved me).

My speakers are only 6 feet (2 meters) apart, that's as close as you can get and still call it stereo and not mono. :D

Edit: How do you have the subwoofer hooked up?
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Looks superb, and as a ex owner of the Dual deck a nice nostalgia blast :)
Love the t.v as well, puts some of these HD monsters in perspective :cool:

Regards, Magoo

I find the centre image almost perfect. I have a particularly difficult room (large, with cathederal ceiling and glass on one side) and could never get my old dynamic speakers to image properly. That was the main driver to make me start looking for a replacement. The 'Logans have taken to this room like a duck to water......! I love the wide, open and deep sound stage!

The sub is hooked up via its speaker level inputs. I've heard this is the best way because the sub then takes on the tone of the amplifier, but really it is because my old Musical Fidelity amplifier didn't have pre-outs. The Primare does, but I've got the speaker-level cable now.


The TV was my parent's wedding present - over 30 years old and was one of the first colour models to arrive in Australia! You can sure tell what my priority is, can't you? Seriously though, I have thought about upgrading, but really - the TV is only as good as the programming you watch on it so I can't see the point of buying an expensive new television to watch crappy news and Bold & Beautiful - really! - I hardly ever turn it on. (I run an ASK projector for the odd DVD).
I'm also curious how far apart your speakers are. I have Aerius i's in my system, with a large screen TV and two pier cabinets, forcing me to place the speakers about 9 ft apart (see link to my system below).

The resulting soundstage is a bit wider than I'd like, but with quite a bit of toe-in, not that bad.

If I had my druthers, I'd have a plasma TV on the wall, with a small component rack, but WAF prevailed.

In your case, I'd experiment bringing the Aerius' closer together, moving the sub outside towards the corner.
sleepysurf said:
In your case, I'd experiment bringing the Aerius' closer together, moving the sub outside towards the corner.

I second that suggestion, and add the suggestion of an acoustic absorption foam panel in the middle above the TV.

I picked up some foam for free out of the trash recently (office hallway not dumpster), the packing foam is similar to the acoustic foam, and I can't pass up free. :)

My sister used to keep a lace cloth over her small TV, she said why look at the TV when it is off? I pointed out that it also had an acoustic benefit, but she was indifferent - the way younger sisters can be.;)
How far away is the listening seat from the speakers and what sort of triangle is made between the three of them? Although they may look widely spaced in the photo, that can be deceptive considering the actual listening position.

However, they do look a bit close to the wall behind them. In general, electrostats enjoy a lot of space between them and the wall they are in front of.

If you wish to experiment, try pulling them out from that wall and then look at the listener, speaker triangle. If they need to be closer, then having them out further from that wall will make that much easier to do. A linear array of equipment may be aesthetic in some circumstances, but that rarely equates to being ideal sonically. However, each system and room can be different, and while it may be easy for those of us not there to give suggestions, it is also being overly simplistic and just a generality.

I didn't realise this would be so useful - so much advice!

Moving the speakers a little further in is something I will definantly try. I am currently sitting with my ears at the apex of the triangle - (ie. the lounge is a little closer to the speakers than the distance that they are apart, but my ears are as far away as the speakers are apart). The problem is getting time to do this as any time I get I want to listen, not shift speakers around the room! haha!

I do like a wide sound stage though. I have tried the lounge a little further back, and the soundstage certainly comes into focus, however I feel a little definition is lost.

The panels are just under 3' from the rear wall - the photo is a little decieving.

Thank you for the acoustic foam idea as well - this is something I can't try as I use that wall for projection - the image only just fits between the TV and the air conditioner. However I will be purchasing a screen at some time soon so will eagarly wait to see the effect on the sound!

Thanks again guys!
amey01 said:
The problem is getting time to do this as any time I get I want to listen, not shift speakers around the room! haha!

I do like a wide sound stage though. I have tried the lounge a little further back, and the soundstage certainly comes into focus, however I feel a little definition is lost.

I do know what you mean. Sometimes you have to be able to stop changing things and just enjoy the music. Afterall that is what this is all about. One could make themselves crazy tweaking this and that to get the most ideal sound, and miss out on the music along the way.

There is a certain distance away from my CLSs where the vibrant feel of being there diminishes. That sets the limit for the listening triangle in my room. With some speakers, like my CLSs, having them a bit closer together rather than far apart actually creates a wider and more solid soundstage. My RS1bs are the same way. At the right distance apart I do not have just a great center fill, but also the very important right and left center filling the entire space uniformly.
The new Whise sub is amazing - I'd suggest anyone looking for a sub that is fast enough to keep up with electrostatics take a long hard look at the Whise range.

As for now, I'm still getting it set up, but I am amazed at how much low-end definition I was missing!
Hi Adam.....yes nice set-up. I'm famioliar with the Copeland, really nice Amp.Whats the dogs name??

Greetz Mike
Whise Profounder subwoofer, first Google link:

..............have I seen this system somewhere before?:cool:


I'm having problems finding information on the subwofer. Can anyone help find a good link and article for me?

Have a look here:

Also have a look at

The Whise technology has recently been licenced by Whatmough - so you can also find info at - click on "Subwoofers" and have a look at the "Impulse" and "Impact" subs - they are Whise designs/ technology. The others subs there are NOT Whise designs.

They really are great subs - fast, accurate, clean - not sure if current (or the Whatmough) designs are any different to what I have, but the only downside is they really do require the use of some sort of sub management such as the Behringer DSP1124P or the SMS-1. There is just not enough adjustment out of the box for a proper blend, although the 100dB/octave crossover goes a long way to helping.
Hi Adam.....yes nice set-up. I'm famioliar with the Copeland, really nice Amp.Whats the dogs name??

Greetz Mike

The dog's name is Charlie - he's 2 1/2 years old now, F2 (Second cross) labradoodle. He's an avid audiophile too, and listening buddy.
OK M8..Nice Labby..I lived in Oz for 18 months...years ago. Melbourne & Perth. ( I was born & raised in NZ)
New house

OK - finally managing to post some pics of the system setup in its new room in Queensland. Unfortunately no component changes yet, but I do have precision air conditioning by APAC (Australia-Pacific Air Conditioning) which is silent and fantastic!

You can't underestimate the difference a silent room makes!

Next: Treatment of the large, open space onto which this room opens.


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Very nice, clean setup, but you really need something to absorb the back wave currently hitting the windows.