1. Member Name: Jim Burgess
2. Location: Chicago, IL
3. ML Model(s): Ascent, Logos, Descent i
4. Year Purchased: 2015 (Ascents bought from original owner)
5. Mods/Changes: None
6. Associated Electronics:
• Pass Labs XA60.5’s
o Standing on Maple Shade isolation platforms
• Audio Research SP-6B (Rebuilt and upgraded components)
• Sony SACD XA9000ES
• Basis Ovation Turntable
• TriPlanar VI Tonearm
• Transfiguration Temper W Cartridge
• Hafler DH-220 (for HT Center Channel)
• Hafler DH-500, rebuilt (for HT Rear Channels)
• Anticable L2 Bi-wire speaker cables
• Paradigm Interconnects (Preamp – Amp)
• MI330 Interconnects (CD – Preamp)
• Anticable interconnects (Processor – Amps for HT)
• Nordost BC Kones (Preamp)
• Vibrapods (CD)
• Power: Anticable L3 cords (Amps), Cardas Golden Reference (Preamp), PS Audio (CD), PS Audio Power station, PS Audio wall outlets with dedicated circuits and isolated grounds
• “Custom” IKEA Lack equipment rack
• HT: Logos center channel, Descent i, Outlaw 975 surround processor, Mitsubishi 55” LED, Panasonic BluRay, Motion FX rear speakers
7. Comments and/or stories about your Martin Logan experience:
I have experienced electrostatic speakers in the past starting with a pair of Quad ESL 57’s which I still own, and decided to buy a used set of ML’s because of the full range missed with the Quads. The Quads definitely do some things better, but the ML’s are great. When I got the Ascents, the stators were filthy and I actually followed the tutorial on this website to take them apart and wash them down (which actually worked so thank you to the member who posted this). I don’t feel a need to upgrade the Ascents anytime soon. I listen to 2-channel far more than HT, and vinyl is my favorite!
8. An image of your system.
2. Location: Chicago, IL
3. ML Model(s): Ascent, Logos, Descent i
4. Year Purchased: 2015 (Ascents bought from original owner)
5. Mods/Changes: None
6. Associated Electronics:
• Pass Labs XA60.5’s
o Standing on Maple Shade isolation platforms
• Audio Research SP-6B (Rebuilt and upgraded components)
• Sony SACD XA9000ES
• Basis Ovation Turntable
• TriPlanar VI Tonearm
• Transfiguration Temper W Cartridge
• Hafler DH-220 (for HT Center Channel)
• Hafler DH-500, rebuilt (for HT Rear Channels)
• Anticable L2 Bi-wire speaker cables
• Paradigm Interconnects (Preamp – Amp)
• MI330 Interconnects (CD – Preamp)
• Anticable interconnects (Processor – Amps for HT)
• Nordost BC Kones (Preamp)
• Vibrapods (CD)
• Power: Anticable L3 cords (Amps), Cardas Golden Reference (Preamp), PS Audio (CD), PS Audio Power station, PS Audio wall outlets with dedicated circuits and isolated grounds
• “Custom” IKEA Lack equipment rack
• HT: Logos center channel, Descent i, Outlaw 975 surround processor, Mitsubishi 55” LED, Panasonic BluRay, Motion FX rear speakers
7. Comments and/or stories about your Martin Logan experience:
I have experienced electrostatic speakers in the past starting with a pair of Quad ESL 57’s which I still own, and decided to buy a used set of ML’s because of the full range missed with the Quads. The Quads definitely do some things better, but the ML’s are great. When I got the Ascents, the stators were filthy and I actually followed the tutorial on this website to take them apart and wash them down (which actually worked so thank you to the member who posted this). I don’t feel a need to upgrade the Ascents anytime soon. I listen to 2-channel far more than HT, and vinyl is my favorite!
8. An image of your system.
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