1. Member name: Luca Bolognesi
2. Location: Pisa, Italy
3. ML Model: Aerius (1992)
4. Year Purchased: 2011
5. Mods/Changes: I substituted original spikes with B.C.D. cones
6. Associate electronics:
- CD player Madrigal Proceed PCD3
- Pre-amplifier Classe' Audio DR-5 (in/out balanced)
- Jeff Rowland Model One amplifier
- Roger Sanders balanced interconnects
- Straight Wire Maestro I speaker cables
- Industrial neoprene-jacketed power cables (2.5 mmq) for wet environments
- B.C.D. supports
7. Comments: wonderful experience despite the bad acoustic response of the room. The JRDG Model One amplifier is perfect to drive the Aerius. The top of the panels are located at a distance of about 140 cm from the wall behind the loudspeakers. No apparent need for panels change despite their age.
2. Location: Pisa, Italy
3. ML Model: Aerius (1992)
4. Year Purchased: 2011
5. Mods/Changes: I substituted original spikes with B.C.D. cones
6. Associate electronics:
- CD player Madrigal Proceed PCD3
- Pre-amplifier Classe' Audio DR-5 (in/out balanced)
- Jeff Rowland Model One amplifier
- Roger Sanders balanced interconnects
- Straight Wire Maestro I speaker cables
- Industrial neoprene-jacketed power cables (2.5 mmq) for wet environments
- B.C.D. supports
7. Comments: wonderful experience despite the bad acoustic response of the room. The JRDG Model One amplifier is perfect to drive the Aerius. The top of the panels are located at a distance of about 140 cm from the wall behind the loudspeakers. No apparent need for panels change despite their age.

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