System #345 (CLX)

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Active member
Jan 18, 2008
Reaction score
Member Name: Andrea Marchesi

Location: Livorno, Toscana, Italy

ML Model: CLX 25th Anniversary

Year Purchased: 2009

Mods/Changes: None

Associated Electronics:
CD Player: Audio Research Reference CD7 modified
Turntable: Oracle Delphi MkV with Turbo Power Supply
Tonearm: Oracle/SME 345
Cartridge: Koetsu Urushi Black
Phono Preamplifier: Audio Research PH7

DVD Player: Oppo Digital DV-981HD
Blu-ray Player: Sony PlayStation 3
Video Processor/Scaler: DreamVision DreamScaler 3
Media Server: AppleTV
Projector: DreamVision DreamBee
Screen: DreamVision DayDream 110T

Preamplifier: Krell Evolution 222
Monoblock Krell Evolution 402

Cables: Transparent Reference and Transparent CAST for Audio, Crystal Cable for Video

Accessories: DAAD and Tube Traps, Record Cleaning Machine VPI HW-17, Transparent Power Isolator Reference, Audio Tools tables

I had Odysseys with Audio Research pre and amps. After having auditioned CLXs with both SS and tube amps very carefully, I decided to change also the amplification because I'm convinced the CLXs sound a lot better with SS stuff. Now, I wouldn't change them with any other speaker system in the world. Looking forward to upgrade the power amplifier to Krell evolution 600 monoblocks.


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Great system. Could I ask what you have modified in your CD7?
Last year ARC released a power supply upgrade. It's the replacement of the two 6H30 tubes with a single 5881 (as in the CD8). Now, it's something like a CD7.5.

I see you are not too far from Maranello....... are you in to Italian horses as well??

Like you I have CLXs, but I also have a serious addiction for Italian prancing horses.:D
Last year ARC released a power supply upgrade. It's the replacement of the two 6H30 tubes with a single 5881 (as in the CD8). Now, it's something like a CD7.5.

Oh ok - I thought it maybe something else! It is the same as mine.

Btw, did you demo the CD8?! If so, what are your thoughts?
AHHHHHH............ KRELL and CLX my dinner of choice with a nice Chianti...

I see you are not too far from Maranello....... are you in to Italian horses as well??

Like you I have CLXs, but I also have a serious addiction for Italian prancing horses.:D

You know Andrea, I think I already asked you this question before. Sorry age is a terrible thing for memories.

Anyway, is your system multi-channel or just 2 channel?
To C.A.P.: close to Livorno there is a great wineland called Bolgheri. It's the land of Sassicaia, Ornellaia and other great wines. You must try them!
To marck: I think I'll have the CD8 in my system for demo in the next days. I'll keep you informed about my impressions.
Andrea, Do you use the speakers for 2 channel TV and movies , if so how is it? Thanks