Okay, quick update that might help someone else. I had two PS Audio Power Plant Premiers(PPP) in my CLX 5.1 system. By the way, the PPP is the real deal and I love them, they make a noticable difference in the sound of your equipment, for the better and I have 3 of them in my systems. Anyway, one of the PPP was driving a Sunfire 5400 amp which is a very high current amp. Unfortunately, the Sunfire/CLX combo was drawing too much power for the PPP to keep up and it blew. I checked the owners manual of the Sunfire and the PPP and sure enough the CLXs, Logos, and Sources, were drawing too much power from the Sunfire for the PPP to keep up in regenerated power. The way I knew sopmething was up, was because the internal fan which only comes on when the PPP gets hot, which is never usually, came on and stayed on 24/7. The PPP also developed a clicking noise to go with the fan noise. So I started looking into another non-restrictive power conditioner. Based on recommendations from this forum, I decided to get a Running Springs Audio Danielle. It will handle up to 2400 watts and the PPP was limited to about 1200 watts so in theory the RSA should have no problem with the Sunfire. I will install it and make a comment down the road as to how it stacks up against the PPPs. Actually all I want is similar if not identical performance to the PPP from the RSA. We will see, hey maybe it will be better, at least some on this forum think it is. I hope....I guess I am betting they are right as the Danielle is not cheap.