System #267 (Summit)

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Well-known member
Apr 22, 2008
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name: Bernard Gee

location: Sunshine Coast , British Columbia

models: Summits and SL3's

date of purchase : August 2008

mods/ changes : stock so far ;)

associated gear:
Consonance Cyber 800 mono amps ( modded )
Wyred for Sound SX250 mono's
Odyssey Candela tubed preamp ( modded )
Rega P25 TT ( modded )
Denon 103R cartridge
Musical Surroundings Phenomena Nova Phono stage
Musichall CD25 transport ( modded )
Ack! DAC 2.0 ( modded )
Speltz zero formers
Decware WO 32 subwoofer (pictured in background)
cabling : Black Sand / Signal power cables
Cardas , Venhaus DIY & Slinky Link IC's

this is my latest 2 channel system , but it is subject to change ...I have tried many different components and continue to do so ....without a home audition then there is no way to tell about the potential system synergy with the other stuff .
Just sold Primaluna Seven mono's and bought the W4S amps , very interesting these switching amplifiers , tons of power , no heat and they sound completely unlike their cousins ...SS

I have another HT setup but the 'music ' system is where I put most of my energy and ALL of my cash !

hoping to mod the SL3's to see where they can be taken ...I am sure there is more to be had

ahh what an illness ...err I mean hobby !


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Bernard, welcome ! I do beleive we have at least two possibly three Bernards on the forum. I'm pretty sure your fellow Countrymen to the East was first (Bernard from Ottawa),I suppose we'll have to hand out numbers to you guys !

Nice set-up, prior to making my Rogue MonoBlock purchase I gave serious consideration to the Consonance amps as well. I assume you are more than happy with them driving your Summit's !
Bernard, welcome ! I do beleive we have at least two possibly three Bernards on the forum. I'm pretty sure your fellow Countrymen to the East was first (Bernard from Ottawa),I suppose we'll have to hand out numbers to you guys !
Bernard, welcome! Nice setup. Any room treatments planned?

Dave, the guy from the Sunshine Coast already has a number. Being the first Bernard here, I don't need one. Now how many Daves do you suppose we have here ? :D
I like the cyber 800's they have that 'golden' midrange that EL34's do so well ...however
my friend brought over his modded PS audio HCA-2 one night a few weeks ago and we were absolutely astounded how effortlessly that ICE based amp could drive the ML's ....very musical too ..its real synergy
so I bought a pr of the W4S SX 500 mono blocs which will be delivered soon I hope .
I will keep the tube amps though as one never knows in this hobby ;)

nice to hear that our name is getting good exposure bit of gear I forgot to mention is my Sansui TU 717 ....wonderful tuner , and yes it is modded ~
I have not planned any treatments as I am not sure where I would start ...the room is asymmetrical and there are 45 degree corners on the outside of the spkrs , it is also open plan so is quite long with a a bit of a vault in the ceiling ...the sound is not too bad
Consonance Cyber 800 mono amps ( modded )
Wyred for Sound SX250 mono's
Odyssey Candela tubed preamp ( modded )

Just sold Primaluna Seven mono's and bought the W4S amps , very interesting these switching amplifiers , tons of power , no heat and they sound completely unlike their cousins ...SS

Confused about what is going on here - what amps are you using - the SX250, the 800s AND the W4S??? Enlighten me - and which do you like best and why?

Thanks. Nice looking room and system, BTW!

sorry Justin mistake I have ordered the W4S SX 500's ( I was thinking 250 as they are rated 250 @8 ohms )
I have not heard them yet as they are in transit I told Dave the demo w/ the PS Aud HCA-2 opened my eyes in a big way to how these switching amps have their way with our speakers ..
I did some research on which ICE based amp is the best combo of musicality and value ...all indicators pointed to Rick Cullens Wyred 4 Sound product .
When I have them burned in I will send a report .
I am using the Cyber 800s at present and they do fine, however you know how easy it is to get greedy !
cheers B

Best class Ds I have heard by a long, long shot. Not cheap, though! I thought I throw them your way... just in case you decide you don't like the ones you ordered. If you get the chance to hear these, take it:)
No, Bernard, but I have heard Flying Mole MA-S160, Nuforce Ref 9 , Tact & Lyngdorf amps, and the Chapter Couplet (the one prior to the current version).

Out of that little lot, the ONLY ones I could live with would be the Chapters. The Tact/Lyngdorf stuff is just to bright to live with for any period of time, and the FMs and NuForces just sound flat and, well, rough, really. Only what I think, though.

The Chapters are fine amps. The rest just aren't. Hope that doesn't upset anybody - remember, it is just what I think.
thanks for the observations Justin , interesting ...I know what you are saying , the PS Aud HCA2 was amazing in many ways but ' air ' was slightly less than I would like ...I took that for the fact that it was an older design , however their control and grip on the ML's was simply astounding

what I could glean about the current ICE crop was that W4S was the best of the lot on this side of the pond ( price and sound )
I had a dialogue w/ Dan Wright ( modwright ) and he just loves them ...and when asked about suggested mods to them he said 'they need nothing '
we shall see in the next week when I receive them