System #199 (Aerius)

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Well-known member
Jul 2, 2007
Reaction score
Name : Mike Veldhuizen

Location: Hellevoetsluis Netherlands

My system:

Aerius speakers

Rega P3 turntable with Ortofon MC3 turbo element

Arcam CD82

Aaron 5555 Aniversary amp

Technics tuner

Linn Intek thats used as a Phono Pre

Siltech New York Interlink (CD >amp)

vd Hul Speaker cables

Bought the speakers 2nd hand this year in March,
they have transformed my entire music collection. I am now busy rediscovering my CD's and LP's :D

And NO the speakers aren't to close to the wall, I have placed them all over, with and without "toe-in" and they sound perfect where they are.

And YES the Aaron is quite capable of controlling the Aerius'

greetings from your newest n00b



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Yes indeed, welcome. Nice setup! Always good to see another vinyl guy around. Used to have a Rega P2 myself. I'd love to see a closeup of that Aaron amp; I've heard of them, but never actually seen one.
Thx guys.. I'm feeling a home already :D

My system certainly isn't up to some of the standards set here, but "I'm lovin' it" ...Oops stole that from somewhere :rolleyes:
Thx guys.. I'm feeling a home already :D

My system certainly isn't up to some of the standards set here, but "I'm lovin' it" ...Oops stole that from somewhere :rolleyes:

Hey man, there will always be someone with bigger and better, no matter if you're talking stereos or cars or whatever. Who gets more enjoyment out of their system depends on the individual, not the system.
Your system looks very nice - Clean, simple. I bet it sounds fantastic.
Welcome aboard!:) Sweet setup! Love the frosted audio rack! BTW the tiling in your home is beautiful! Thanks for sharing!

Hello Mike,
Can you tell us a little about that beautiful Aaron amplifier.
I couldn't find it on their website - Is it similar to the No. 5?


NNiiice system! Clean and crisp!


Clean and crisp?

Heck, more than that he must be from the future.:D

Nice setup, high WAF (wife acceptance factor).:cool:
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Hello Mike,
Can you tell us a little about that beautiful Aaron amplifier.
I couldn't find it on their website - Is it similar to the No. 5?


Hi Mike, yes it's a special edition No 5.

Taken from the website.

The most popular High End integrated amplifier. No.5 set a new standard for High End amplifiers, at its premier in 1992. Tonal precision and sufficient power to drive the highest grade speaker systems. With a price-sound ratio which was, until then, unheard of, the No. 5 quickly convinced expert circles and impressed its owners. 2 x 50 W at 8 Ohm, 2 x 90 W at 4 Ohm and an imposing 160 W at 2 Ohm speak for themselves. The resulting sound, the use of high-grade materials and the demanding design made this amplifier a High End product almost without competition in its price category. Like the No.1, the No.5 also had a pre-amplifier output for operation of a further end stage (bi-amping).
Depending on the cabinet design, this amplifier was available from as little as approx. 1,190.00 Euro (*). No.5 was launched in a limited 5555 special “Anniversary” version on the 5th birthday of the AARON series.

greetings Mike

some of thier new stuff Verstaerker.html
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Thanks, Mike.
Absolutely beautiful stuff. I don't suppose it can sound as good as it looks...;)
My dealer recently hooked me up with a Primare integrated (like last week). Although not quite as visually pleasing, the Sweeds know a thing or two about a clean design. Sounded so good I ordered the matching CD Player. Should be in on Friday.



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Yes Primare is really beautiful stuff and sounds great as well. ( I thought in was Danish) I actually auditioned my aerius' on the Primare CD player and Amplifier:bowdown:
Primare is very good gear..... and it definitely looks the part!

I used to have a Primare integrated. Fantastic amp. It was the amp I had when I bought my first pair of MLs - funnily enough, the Aerius!

Of course, I've almost stayed with Primare with their sister Scandanavian brand, Copland! I think they might (?????) be made in the same factory. Not sure.
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I used to have a Primare integrated. Fantastic amp. It was the amp I had when I bought my first pair of MLs - funnily enough, the Aerius!

Of course, I've almost stayed with Primare with their sister Scandanavian brand, Copland! I think they might (?????) be made in the same factory. Not sure.

Nice,,,a listening mate of mine also has the same Copeland Amp :music: