No, not small at all. The smaller the room, the more the Summits can charge it with it's bass-capabilities.
Thank you for your feedback. SJ
No, not small at all. The smaller the room, the more the Summits can charge it with it's bass-capabilities.
New photos of the projector
Scott, I don't think that high up for the center is right.
It really should be just barely below the screen, which will put it within the plane of the Summit panels. Way up there on the ceiling you will get tremendous discontinuities in pans across the front.
My recommendation: Get a table or a mount that will position it just under the screen (as close as possible to the screen without obscuring the view for front row seats).
Nice room Scott - how low does the projector hang? It seems that you would hit it with your head when you walk by--- just curious how you lined it up anglewise vs your screen...next house i plan a projector too
Ya, thanks for the description - hopefully you are having a lot of fun in there!
Scott, that's great to hear. I knew you'd really dig the results, but sounds like you (as well as lovely spouse) are really wowed, I'm going to have to cash in those FF miles and go to Austin to check it out.
Maybe you can even teach me how to drive a shot down the fairway as well...
Golfing in the forest here in BC is dangerous to the deer in the woods, I keep hitting them and not the greens![]()
Scott, I don't think that high up for the center is right.
New photos of the projector
Scott, Looks Great. Ever think of running your power cord and connection cables up through the pipe rather than wrapped around,would give it a much cleaner look, would just need to install an ac outlet in the attic.