System #153 (SL3)

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Well-known member
Dec 24, 2005
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David Carroll

Washington, DC

Martin Logan SL3s

February 2006 (drove to NYC in a rented minivan to get them!)

Hell no ... These are going to last me until I can afford Vantages or Vistas

50" Panasonic TH-50PH9UK Plasma (Commercial version with no tuner)
Martin Logan SL3 Electrostatic Loudspeakers
Denon 2307CI A/V Receiver
Rotel DB-933 3-ch Amplifier (300w/ch)
Sony 400 disc DVD Changer
XBox 360
Motorola DCT6412 Dual HDTV Tuner/DVR
Olevia 323v 23" LCD (in front of the treadmill)
Philips Pronto NG TSU-7000 Remote Control
Belkin PF60 Line conditioner/power console
Monster HTS 2600 Line conditioner/power console
Sanus PFFP Plasma stand

I first heard Martin Logans at Best Buy when I happened to stop by a Magnolia room. I was just there to kill time and perhaps look at getting better speakers. One of the guys there showed me some DefTechs but I wasn't really all that thrilled. So he took me to the other room and had me sit down and listen to some Claritys.

Needless to say, I heard nuances in Sarah McLachlan's "Afterglow" that I had never heard before. I was blown away.

I really couldn't pull the trigger on $2700 for a pair of speakers though. Fortunately, someone here was selling a pair of SL3s and I jumped all over them and haven't regretted it since.

Oddly enough, however, I haven't heard them since I moved them back here. Life got in the way and things changed. They sat patiently waiting for me at a buddy's house, never being used.

Beautiful SL3 System...


Excellent SL3 system! :D
I am glad you posted your system to the member systems section. It is wonderful. :D My son is an Xbox 360 fan as well. He plays all the time. Your listening room looks very comfortable. Do you work-out while you listen to music or HT, as I see you have a piece of work-out equipment near the right wall area? I used to work-out while listening to my old system (when I had more room)... ;)

Excellent SL3 system! :D
I am glad you posted your system to the member systems section. It is wonderful. :D My son is an Xbox 360 fan as well. He plays all the time. Your listening room looks very comfortable. Do you work-out while you listen to music or HT, as I see you have a piece of work-out equipment near the right wall area? I used to work-out while listening to my old system (when I had more room)... ;)

I have but since I'm not in the sweet spot, it's not quite as good. Mostly what I do is use the XBox 360 while on the treadmill. I have an Olevia 23" LCD mounted to the wall in front of the treadmill and I either play the XBox or watch TV while I work out. I do a lot of power walking on heavy inclines instead of running because of bad knees :)

Thanks for the compliments. I do like it a lot. I wish the space was bigger but after a year of owning SL3s and not having them, I'm so happy to even be listening to them!
I have but since I'm not in the sweet spot, it's not quite as good. Mostly what I do is use the XBox 360 while on the treadmill. I have an Olevia 23" LCD mounted to the wall in front of the treadmill and I either play the XBox or watch TV while I work out. I do a lot of power walking on heavy inclines instead of running because of bad knees :)

Thanks for the compliments. I do like it a lot. I wish the space was bigger but after a year of owning SL3s and not having them, I'm so happy to even be listening to them!

Great looking system, I don't think I would have the will power to go a whole year with a pair of ML's and not listen to them. I'll bet now that you have them up and running that won't happen again.:D

Bad knees?? Doctor's aren't always right. I had my right ankle replaced back in 1990 and two screws installed in my tibia to hold it together. They said I would never be able to run again. I've been running ever since with no problems,maybe not as fast or as far as I use to but I'm still able.

agreed... I tore my Achilles 7 years ago... 2 screws to get it attached again on the bone... took 18 months of rehab... but back running w/ no worries... BTW.. Schweeet SL3s :cool:
Great looking system, I don't think I would have the will power to go a whole year with a pair of ML's and not listen to them. I'll bet now that you have them up and running that won't happen again.:D

Bad knees?? Doctor's aren't always right. I had my right ankle replaced back in 1990 and two screws installed in my tibia to hold it together. They said I would never be able to run again. I've been running ever since with no problems,maybe not as fast or as far as I use to but I'm still able.


Well right now I'm a bit overweight (damn travel for work) so I'm getting back into it. Once I lose some padding I'll pick up the running again. I've had three scopes of my right knee and am not looking forward to the possibility of knee replacement ... Though at 35, by the time that happens they might be able to just grow me a new knee in a jar :)
Well right now I'm a bit overweight (damn travel for work) so I'm getting back into it. Once I lose some padding I'll pick up the running again. I've had three scopes of my right knee and am not looking forward to the possibility of knee replacement ... Though at 35, by the time that happens they might be able to just grow me a new knee in a jar :)

Dave, good luck on losing the extra padding, doesn't get any easier as you get older, Runnings the only thing that keeps me from becoming obese.
Welcome to the forum! Your system is very clean and organized-looking--I wish I had that much room to work with...

Its good to se another Sequel-series owner, AND someone from the DC-metro area. I'm in Columbia MD, and own a pair of the original model Sequels. Seems like there are quite a few of us in the DC area...

Anyway, welcome to the form, and stay in touch!

--Richard C.