Member Name: Dave TenClay
Location: Sartell, MN 56377
ML Model(s): Aerius i's (no bi-wire)
Year Purchased: 1998
Mods/Changes: None planned
Associated Electronics:
-Jolida JD1501RC Hybrid integrated w/Parts connexion Mod level one;
-Sony XA9000ES SACD player
-Modded Rega Planar 3 w/ RB300 arm, Grado Gold cart
-Bellari VP129 phono pre-amp
-Paradigm PDR 8V3 sub
-Sennheiser HD595 'phones
Comments and/or stories about your Martin Logan experience:
The Aerius i's described here were purchased for a second home in 1995, and were powered at that time by a Rotel RB990bx, linked to a basic Phillips CD player. From where I had migrated (Phase Tech PC 80's) these were a real step up. I spent many hours with various types of music, re-listening to lp's that I had stored years ago, on the modified Rega. We remodeled our main home 4 years ago, and I setup a dedicated listening room that included a pair of used Scripts and the Paradigm sub (see system 100). This worked out well until we decided we did not need the second home after the I consolidated the two systems into what I believe is a "best of" into a larger room. The recent upgrade to the Sony XA9000ES is a perfect fit with the Jolida Hybrid. It has a "D Filter" which slightly softens the hash many redbook cd's have. The SACD side is a huge step up from the Denon 2910 that it replaced....which was pretty sweet to my ears until now. The Rega needs to either get massively upgraded or replaced.....just not sure that I can achieve the magic the SACD has created w/o blowing another 5g's or so. Any thoughts on this would be appreciated. The DAW workstation in the pix is where I create a little electronic music....with the current ML setup as my targeted CD playback reference. I will continue to try out different electronics...but the ML's will be willed to my kids...!
An image of your system.
Hey all!
OK...the "massive upgrade" for the turntable has have a VPI Aires 2 w/ Dynavector to Moon pre working the vinyl and ...OH MY...
what an improvement.....Vinyl is back.
Location: Sartell, MN 56377
ML Model(s): Aerius i's (no bi-wire)
Year Purchased: 1998
Mods/Changes: None planned
Associated Electronics:
-Jolida JD1501RC Hybrid integrated w/Parts connexion Mod level one;
-Sony XA9000ES SACD player
-Modded Rega Planar 3 w/ RB300 arm, Grado Gold cart
-Bellari VP129 phono pre-amp
-Paradigm PDR 8V3 sub
-Sennheiser HD595 'phones
Comments and/or stories about your Martin Logan experience:
The Aerius i's described here were purchased for a second home in 1995, and were powered at that time by a Rotel RB990bx, linked to a basic Phillips CD player. From where I had migrated (Phase Tech PC 80's) these were a real step up. I spent many hours with various types of music, re-listening to lp's that I had stored years ago, on the modified Rega. We remodeled our main home 4 years ago, and I setup a dedicated listening room that included a pair of used Scripts and the Paradigm sub (see system 100). This worked out well until we decided we did not need the second home after the I consolidated the two systems into what I believe is a "best of" into a larger room. The recent upgrade to the Sony XA9000ES is a perfect fit with the Jolida Hybrid. It has a "D Filter" which slightly softens the hash many redbook cd's have. The SACD side is a huge step up from the Denon 2910 that it replaced....which was pretty sweet to my ears until now. The Rega needs to either get massively upgraded or replaced.....just not sure that I can achieve the magic the SACD has created w/o blowing another 5g's or so. Any thoughts on this would be appreciated. The DAW workstation in the pix is where I create a little electronic music....with the current ML setup as my targeted CD playback reference. I will continue to try out different electronics...but the ML's will be willed to my kids...!
An image of your system.
Hey all!
OK...the "massive upgrade" for the turntable has have a VPI Aires 2 w/ Dynavector to Moon pre working the vinyl and ...OH MY...
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