I received the 2.5" spikes and installed last night. Checked vertical on both Summits tonight (currently set at 91.5 degrees of tilt) and listened to one of my reference female vocalists, which is the Jennifer Warnes CD "The Hunter", cuts 7, 9, and 10.
Well Jason, now you've done it. For purposes of background, I've had the CLS2A's, the Aerius, and the SL3's prior to buying the Summits. I've experimented with adjusting the vertical to be more or less perpendicular to the floor on these ML models and have consistently found that the vertical angle is crucial towards optimizing the sonic presentation of the ML line.
I assumed that the ML folks designed the vertical angle of the Summits, which I would guess to be at 100 degrees or so (read 10 degrees clockwise from perpendicular) for a good reason. I suspect that the "good reason" was to accomodate for a reasonable vertical dispersion given the "lower" panel height of the Summits.
Well my first impressions are as follows:
The horizontal imaging has not changed. The vertical image has move "up" the panel so it seems I'm listening to the center of the panel versus the bottom 1/3rd. The depth perspective is clearly the most significant change. With the previous tilt angle, I felt as if I was listening to a somewhat attractive but somewhat homogienized front to back presentation. With the new tilt angle, the imaging is much more exact with a significant decrease in the apparent "smearing" of voices, instruments, etc. I totally concur with Sleepy on his observations.
The most obvious example of this is the virtual elimination of any hardware / software induced "sibilance" on voices. All of the "natural" sibilance is still there but the brightness and over emphasis of the critical midrange is literally gone. This improvement allows all of the music to be heard in a significantly less "congested" and much more transparent manner.
The lower / mid bass was attenuated as a result of the increased tilt angle but I am confident that I can take care of that with the Summit crossover bass adjustments.
Not much more to say other than it validates my previous experience with other ML models and I highly recommend everyone to experiment with the vertical angle of the panels and make sure that both speakers are "exactly" the same. Closer to perpendicular the better. Very simple to verify using a piece of string, weighted at the bottom, to ensure that both panels are set to the same vertical angle.
Thank you again Jason.
GG :rocker: