Dan - do you have the Velodyne SMS-1(???)... If so - can you comment on how it works - the hook-up of it etc.... Also, more on 'bass traps'.
Here is a thread I did here when I first received the SMS-1
Since then, I have learned many things about using the SMS-1, and I have to say that I still absolutely love it for low end EQ (15 - 120 Hz). There are cheaper solutions (Behringer), but for something that is easy to use out of the box, the SMS-1 cannot be beat.
One of the best things I like about the SMS-1 is the real time graphing of the response, while you are making changes. Ever wondered how changing the phase affects the sound? You make a change then you sit there and think - "what sounds better - 15 or 30??" - and you endlessly switch back and forth. With the SMS-1 you can see the affects on the sound real-time while you make the changes.
But realize that some people do not like flat response bass, some feel the need for additional or less response. So you set your unit up first to get the response curve right, then you can adjust from there for your tastes and preferences. The unit also has presets for different settings and different curves if this is what you want. This is where your preferences and additions/subtractions can be implemented. I use the presets for different crossover points for the sub helping out those albums that need more of an overlap from main speakers and sub - i.e. thin or lifeless recordings. While the addition does not make a great recording (chicken salad from chicken poop theory), it does improve them a bit.
The best thing of all - REMOTE VOLUME CONTROL of your sub!!!! Like my Pre Amp, I never thought I would like remote control volume - just get up and change it!!! Well, I have remote control volulme on my Pre and would not live without it, and now it is the same thing with the SMS-1, I could not live without it. And then throw in the presets and you have full control of your sub at your seating position!!!!!
Right now with the room treatments and the SMS-1, I have a response from 15-120Hz that is within +/- 3dB EXCEPT for two NULLs. I am still working with GIK (Glenn) on the two NULLS (6dB or less) around 110 and 150.
To us novices - with room treatment - that sounds like bass removal. I would think that if I have no 'boomy' sound - there would be no need for bass traps.
I thought the bass was pretty good in my setup before the SMS-1 - boy was I wrong. During audition time for a new sub, I also thought the bass was pretty good with the subs, but each of the subs had great improvements with the SMS-1 added to the loop. Most people do not realize how much better they can get the bass response in their rooms.
Another nice feature of the SMS-1. You get it all setup, sit there and listen, and wonder if it really did make that much of a difference. Well they have a preset on the unit that by passes all the EQing that you have done. This gives you a chance to hear your bass properly EQ'ed versus non-EQ'ed. You will then find out how much your room really affects your low end, and in turn the rest of your music.
Room Acoustics and Room Treatments:
I am no expert by any means on the subject, but I have been very interested in it for the past year, and read a couple of forums regarding the subject. The two people I have learned the most from reading this subject is Ethan Winer (Real Traps) and Glenn Krauss (GIK). These guys know their stuff and post all the time in forums to help us novices out. Room Acoustics and Room EQ is one of the hottest topics in audio IMO and people are finding out that their very expensive equipment can sound even better when their room lets it. And the cost is far less than you would pay for an exotic cable, power cord, etc. that some think make so much difference. (my opinion is cables do make a difference, but not like I have heard with Room EQ and Room Treatments)
Here is a thread I did a while back when I use using just the Auralex treatments:
I still use some of the Auralex on the front wall to help tame down some of the front wall reflection and also at my first reflection points on side walls. I do not cover the entire wall, I just use treatments mostly behind the TV which sits between the speakers and 3 or 4 1' x 1' sections spaced apart directly behind the speakers. Too many of these sections just deaden the sound too much, but the ones directly behind the TV have helped out the most. It is trial and error on placement and amounts.
I now have purchased 8 of the GIK Modell 244's and have them in all lower corners of my room, and three along the back wall (behind seating position) in front of a bookcase. I plan to purchase some more of the 244's to finish up the corners of the room so they are treated from floor to ceiling. But again Glenn and I have been discussing and trying some things out to see what would be the best place for the next step. We may find out that the room has reached it potential due to the layout and the limitations of movement of stuff. Again remember, that my room is a primary living space for the family, so that has to be taken into account. Heck, I would love to have a room just for my music.
The low end in my room never sounded better. With all the concrete in this room along with a drop ceiling, bass amount was never a problem, it was bass quality. Well now I have quality bass. Note: I did not say "fast bass", as I do not believe in that description - I prefer quality and accurate bass as a proper term. There is a great paper out on the net if you do a search on Slow Bass and why the statement really does not work.
Room treatments have allowed my system to jump up another level, not only in Bass Response, but since the bass is cleaner and the room affects are less, the other parts of the music come through even better. Everything has more detail to it since the treaments. And all of this improvement for under $600. The change for the better has never come at such a small cost for my setup.
It will be interesting to see if I can get it sounding better in the future through more room treatments - at least as many more as the wife will put up with!!!!!