Having moved to new house, my speaker cables are not long enough so I need to buy new ones. I have some questions that I would appreciate to have your comments of:
1. Cable thickness: ML Source manual says that:
"Under no circumstance should a wire of gauge higher (thinner) than #16 be used. In general, the longer the length used, the greater the necessity of a lower gauge, and the lower the gauge, the better the sound, with diminishing returns setting in around #8 to #12."
Mentioning this to my dealer, he was surprised and said that "it's commonly known fact that thicker cable may worsen the sound quality". Is this true?
The right speaker needs a cable length of 4.5 meters = almost 15 feet. Would there be some kind of minimum thickness for this long cable?
2. For the left speaker I would need only about 1 meter = 3 feet but would it cause audible effect to have so much difference in the length of the speaker cables.
Thanks in advance for your comments and thoughts!
Having moved to new house, my speaker cables are not long enough so I need to buy new ones. I have some questions that I would appreciate to have your comments of:
1. Cable thickness: ML Source manual says that:
"Under no circumstance should a wire of gauge higher (thinner) than #16 be used. In general, the longer the length used, the greater the necessity of a lower gauge, and the lower the gauge, the better the sound, with diminishing returns setting in around #8 to #12."
Mentioning this to my dealer, he was surprised and said that "it's commonly known fact that thicker cable may worsen the sound quality". Is this true?
The right speaker needs a cable length of 4.5 meters = almost 15 feet. Would there be some kind of minimum thickness for this long cable?
2. For the left speaker I would need only about 1 meter = 3 feet but would it cause audible effect to have so much difference in the length of the speaker cables.
Thanks in advance for your comments and thoughts!