So recently I blew a woofer. I took them apart and replaced both drivers with ML recommended Scanspeak Discovery 26W/4534G
This means I have one original SL3 driver. If anyone needs one, PM me and make an offer.
RoadKill Damping Tweak
While I had everything apart, I decided to try Gordon Gray's RoadKill damping tweak. I covered all interior parts of the enclosure (except the back where the cross-overs are) with RoadKill car audio sound damping. I then did an A/B test. Two speakers side by side, both playing the left hand channel, not on spikes. Tested with Dead Can Dance: Aeon, and Prince Far I: Cry Tuff Dub Encounter Volume 3. First just listened to the bass driver, then the whole speaker. With dub reggae there was an immediate and obvious difference. The bass notes were much more defined and less muffled. With the Dead Can Dance, the effect was more subtle.

I have slightly over half the road-kill left, enough for a pair of SL3s. If anyone would like it I will sell for $45 OBO + shipping (PM me).
Panel Repair
One of my panels had been sounding a little quiet and muddy. When I took them off to shower them, I noticed that the red bias wire (sandwiched between the panels) was almost completely out (probably because of panel slippage). Below is the repair instructions from ML. Note that I did not have to re-solder the wires or open the corner as much as shown in the photographs provided by ML. It was obvious where the rail was as it is copper, not graphite.
Note that there are a couple of PDFs above that do not display.
Next tweak, an active cross-over!
So recently I blew a woofer. I took them apart and replaced both drivers with ML recommended Scanspeak Discovery 26W/4534G
This means I have one original SL3 driver. If anyone needs one, PM me and make an offer.
RoadKill Damping Tweak
While I had everything apart, I decided to try Gordon Gray's RoadKill damping tweak. I covered all interior parts of the enclosure (except the back where the cross-overs are) with RoadKill car audio sound damping. I then did an A/B test. Two speakers side by side, both playing the left hand channel, not on spikes. Tested with Dead Can Dance: Aeon, and Prince Far I: Cry Tuff Dub Encounter Volume 3. First just listened to the bass driver, then the whole speaker. With dub reggae there was an immediate and obvious difference. The bass notes were much more defined and less muffled. With the Dead Can Dance, the effect was more subtle.

I have slightly over half the road-kill left, enough for a pair of SL3s. If anyone would like it I will sell for $45 OBO + shipping (PM me).
Panel Repair
One of my panels had been sounding a little quiet and muddy. When I took them off to shower them, I noticed that the red bias wire (sandwiched between the panels) was almost completely out (probably because of panel slippage). Below is the repair instructions from ML. Note that I did not have to re-solder the wires or open the corner as much as shown in the photographs provided by ML. It was obvious where the rail was as it is copper, not graphite.
Hello Tony,
Thank you for your email. I don’t see anything attached however, I think I understand the issue.
If the inside wire has sheared off (or more likely this has slipped out from between the metal stators) it may be possible to get this wire back into the panel. I have had a few customers who have reported good results from trying this. Since the only other option is replacing the stat panel, you really have little to lose by trying this.
1. Remove the stat assembly from the frame.
2. Use a small pry tool to carefully separate the corner of the panel where the outside two wires are soldered. Work slowly and carefully, taking care that we are not in danger of tearing the mylar. Only open this corner a small amount. We don’t want to take the top stator off, we only need a small amount of room to slip the wire inside.
3. You should be able to see a copper or graphite bias strip as shown in the “highly technical” drawing provided. Try to position the stripped end of the wire ( about ½”) on top of the bias strip. You don’t need to “wrap” this as this is nearly impossible.
4. Carefully put the stat back together and re-solder the “outside” wires.
You should be able to find weather stripping at most hardware or home stores.
Best of Luck with your Project,
View attachment [email protected]_20130530_112827.pdfView attachment Panel Soldering Guidelines 1.pdf
Note that there are a couple of PDFs above that do not display.
Next tweak, an active cross-over!