raphant69 said:
Hi Jonathan,
great job you've done here!
I was wondering about the stator on your SL3 panel. It seems to have the transparent "clear spares" on the last photo. Does that mean that new replacement panels benefit of these new spacers?
I'm waiting for new ones for my Sequel II's and don't know if I'll have the old black spacers or new the transparent ones.
Once more, congratulations for your project.
Yep, that's a clearspar ESL panel.
Seems the SL3 /Sequel panels are now coming that way.
However, my new Monolith panels are NOT clearspar. I'm bumming about that, as the SL3XC will be behind the screen, but the Monoliths are visible (duh!, they're huge) I'd have rather had clear on those panels. Oh well.
The measurement difference between old and new panels is significant. I'll document later. Don't wait, order new panels for those Sequel's.
Oh, and thanks. This has been waaay more work than I bargained for. My plans to also do woofers and panels on the Monoliths had to take a back seat to this challenge.
But it’s been worth it, very much so. As I sit here listening to the Sting ‘Sacred Love’ album in SACD, my jaw keeps hitting the keyboard …
Drum dynamics like I’ve never heard in my rig. The vocals (which are almost 100% anchored in the center channel) are now razor sharp, and they are the same volume as the L/R at ‘high’ (avg 90db) volumes.
Tweaking the DriveRacks for phase and levels has the bass even tighter than ever, that big Infinite Baffle is the bomb as well. It keeps up with the Martin Logans like nothing I’ve ever heard. Tight, accurate and ‘infinite’ in depth
It’s hard to believe it will soon get even better with the new Monolith Panels and the woofer change