Should I upgrade my Odyssey speakers?

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Feb 19, 2021
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Hi. New on the forum.

I have had ML Odysseys with a Descent SW for almost twenty years. After recently listening to a Pass amp in a showroom for an upgrade, it sounded fabulous with the ML Impression 11A speakers they had there. Although I was only in the market for a new pre-amp and amp, I am now wondering if I should upgrade my speakers as well, to the 11A or 13A?

How much of a noticeable change in sound have owners found who have upgraded to speakers in a newer line?

With the 11A or 13A would I still want to keep the Descent or would it no longer be necessary?

If I upgrade, 11A or 13A?

My room is 22' wide and 20' long with 8-10 foot ceilings and floor carpeting. I spend a majority of time listening to classical music (especially piano) including orchestral, with some rock and jazz thrown in as well. Comfortable listening levels, not blasting.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.

I would suggest getting the 13's. In ML speakers almost always, bigger is better unless your in a small room. For your level of listening, you do not "need" a subwoofer. The 13s will belt out some pretty good low frequency music. If you do get a sub, for the little bit of very low fill in that you would use it for, a huge sub would not be needed. Maybe an ML 1600 sub. Once set up, you should have amazing performance!
Thank you spkrdctr.

I do listen to organ music at times. Do you feel the 13's would still provide enough of that bass without the Descent? Not having the big Descent would allow for some better layout options for my equipment for sure.
Hi. New on the forum.

I have had ML Odysseys with a Descent SW for almost twenty years. After recently listening to a Pass amp in a showroom for an upgrade, it sounded fabulous with the ML Impression 11A speakers they had there. Although I was only in the market for a new pre-amp and amp, I am now wondering if I should upgrade my speakers as well, to the 11A or 13A?

How much of a noticeable change in sound have owners found who have upgraded to speakers in a newer line?

With the 11A or 13A would I still want to keep the Descent or would it no longer be necessary?

If I upgrade, 11A or 13A?

My room is 22' wide and 20' long with 8-10 foot ceilings and floor carpeting. I spend a majority of time listening to classical music (especially piano) including orchestral, with some rock and jazz thrown in as well. Comfortable listening levels, not blasting.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.

My room is close in air volume as yours. Mine is over 5000 cubic feet.

The 13A measures below 20Hz in my room, and friends would have to touch the subs to verify they were not on. Of course, this didn't stop me from going nuts last year and integrating multiple subs in some fun ways. But the dual woofers on their own in the 13A is excellent!

RE 11A vs 13A. I had completed the purchase of a pair of 11A speakers. I did not listen to the 13A because I was attempting to avoid "wanting" to spend more money. I decided that since I was there, and they had the 13A's setup, why not at least listen so I know what I'll be missing. It was literally seconds into the first song and I dropped my head down with the realization that I could not avoid getting the 13A instead. I listened to all of two songs and told the sales associate to change the order. There has not been an instant of regret about that decision. And the sweet spot is a bit bigger.
Thank you spkrdctr.

I do listen to organ music at times. Do you feel the 13's would still provide enough of that bass without the Descent? Not having the big Descent would allow for some better layout options for my equipment for sure.

The easy way to do it is buy the 13a speakers and try them out. If you feel you need more bass then add the sub. You will probably find you do not need any more bass. Either way it is easy to check it out.