Seeking....modern female vocal music....

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Well-known member
May 6, 2006
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Boise, ID
I was listening to the likes of Sarah McLachlan, Alison Krauss, and Norah Jones today, and I have to admit, one of my favorite voices is Amy Lee (of the not to favorite band Evanescence)....the track "Hello" from their first album and "Good Enough" from the latest one are wonderful examples, although they arent produced with the highest degree of fidelity. (the former track sounds like it was recorded in a concrete room)

Anyway, can you point me in the direction of some more recently released, well recorded, female vocalists that are similar in style to any of the above mentioned artists? Thanks!! And I envy all your ML speaker people who can enjoy such music on your MLs....and all I am stuck with is tiny B&W M1...the Dynamo helps, but not with the voices. :)
Maybe not quite similar in style, but I would say: check Christy Baron. About recordings - just 2 words: Chesky Records.
Altough not the same style you should check out Mary Black start with No Frontiers.
Kruppy, your new avatar reminded me of the other movie I watched on the new TV i Robot. GREAT MOVIE! I really like it.

Yup. I just watched that movie for the first time a couple of weeks ago. I've been getting bored with my avatar lately and thought I'd try a change.

Back on topic. I've only heard one song on the radio so far by Amy Millan and it sounded like it might be an incredible match for MLs. If I'm not mistaken she might also be the lead vocals for Stars (out of Montreal).

You might also want to listen to Dido (not the best recorded, but very enjoyable music).
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