If I remember correctly these were from Eficion very nice sounding speakers, I think they retailed for $15,000
1st RMAF,
Can anyone tell me what album of Raul Malo's has Blue Moon on it???
...Woo headphone amps. A bunch of 'em. Beautifully made and incredible sound quality. The electrostatic amp with the Stax phones were my favorites.
Never heard McIntosh sound so bad, these beautiful amps were in the Audio Pimps room with Theil speakers.
WOW! I have to say that the combination of the Woo Audio WES and the Stax SR-007 Mk2 headphones absolutely blew me away. As good or better than anything else I heard at the show. I believe this exact setup is in my very near future. Christmas is just around the corner.
I really liked the big Woo Audio amplifier when we had it in for review, great sound! Swap out those Chinese 300B's for WE's and it really goes to another level...
1st RMAF,
Had a Great Time,
Nice to see Dave, Rich, and Tim again.
Met fellow MLOC members Steve and his wife Joyce, Andrew, and Gordon for the first time.
Steve and I seemed to have similar likes and dislikes on the systems we listened to together, despite the fact he's an analog, tube guy, while I'm solid state, digital guy.
Dinner at Lola's was excellent.
Denver is a beautiful city.
Picked up some Great New Music and a list of others to Pick up.
Can anyone tell me what album of Raul Malo's has Blue Moon on it???
My apologies if my comments upset you.
By your post, I wasn't aware you had heard the product.
The fact that there is no unanimity on this or other audio product means nothing to me. As we all know, the magic is in the synergy of everything that impacts the final sound one hears.
And I know what I heard.
I, for one, find Wilson Audio's ad showing some concert hall in Europe where, apparently, David Wilson had some sort of sonic epiphany, tasteless and without merit. Of course, it's a good reason to update all of his products again and make more money.
Advertising is all about getting people interested in your product and oftentimes has little to do with some universal truth or the merits of the product(s) thereof. Look at how much females in provocative poses are used to sell product.
You obviously don't like YG and took this opportunity to slam the product.
That's fine.
I respectfully disagree.
Wilson Sasha's, Picture doesn't do them justice, afraid I don't have Tim's skills with a camera. I really liked these speakers, one of my favorites from the show
Wilson Sasha's, Picture doesn't do them justice, afraid I don't have Tim's skills with a camera. I really liked these speakers, one of my favorites from the show
The Clearaudio was a new table and is $7K without a tonearm.