Quest and Aerius i's Washing Panels

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Well-known member
Mar 15, 2005
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Hello everyone,
I have just joined after finding it yesterday, nice info here. :cool:

I have a pair of Aerius i's and I am looking to buy a pair of Quest's.
The dealer I am buying them from said that they have lost their dynamics, and he recommends that I replace the panels.

Would washing the panels solve the problem?
Do you wash the entire front and back black grill and panel all together as one piece?

I will try to do more reading on the washing of panels, as the results that I have read so far are very encouraging.

I would appreciate any comments
Here is info on the cleaning I have done with my Sequels

Here is the text on cleaning up the electronics per Jim Powers:

And here is the text (It was in the Tweaks section here) on the panel cleaning:

Basicall, remove stat panel from speaker, rinse both sides, dry, reinstall, compare sound. It made a big difference for mine and others have reported same thing. Ones that have not, have purchased new stat panels.

Thanks for your reply Dan,

So would dirty panels cause the loss in dynamics?
and is this the only cause for the loss in dynamics?

So is it worth me buying the Quest's, then washing them,
If this doesn't fix the problem, then replace the panels??

I haven't had any issues with my Aerius i's in the 5 years I have owned them

Aprecaite the help.
HK-Steve said:
So would dirty panels cause the loss in dynamics?
and is this the only cause for the loss in dynamics?

Yes, dirty panels would cause them to lose some dynamics, but electronic problems could also be the case. Others here can also help, as I am by no means an expert on this, just someone who has gone through problems with my Sequels, talked with ML and tried out some things to fix them up. On the other hand you are thinking about purchasing some - a completely different situation.

For starters, you can get the serial numbers and call ML and they can tell you how old they are. While on the phone explain your situation to them. You could also find out what new panels cost, and new electronics in case either one is a problem for you, and evaluate the cost from there.

So is it worth me buying the Quest's, then washing them...

That is a hard for me to try to tell you what to do :) Buying something from a dealer that is not working well and not knowing what the "real" problem flag time if it was me.....

Thanks Dan,
I have sent an email to Jim at ML a couple of days ago, but no response yet.

I do know the dealer that is selling them, so I don't really have an issue with this, but I would prefer them to be in great condition rather than needing to have work done on them.

I wasn't able to listen to them at the time I saw them, so I am going off what he said in regards to the dynamics.

I will certainly get the serial numbers and send them off to Jim as well, and see what he comes back with.

He is willing to replace the panels, total cost speakers and new panels is $2800US
or $1400 as they are.

Appreciate your comments Dan.

Hi Steve,

I've had a recent experience with my Quest Z's and I actually did wash the panels and they did "come to life" after the wash. Try and get to listen to the speakers that you want to buy and see if it is worth it to replace the panels or first try and wash them. If they are over 5+ years old I would wash them anyway as regular maintenance.

Jim is a excellent person to deal with at ML and he usually responds within a day or two.
pictures of cleaning panels

If anyone out there is considering to wash their panels, PLEASE TAKE PICTURES OF THE PROCESS.

SugarMedia said:
If anyone out there is considering to wash their panels, PLEASE TAKE PICTURES OF THE PROCESS.

I too would like to see some photos. I have been thinking about giving my CLS's a bath but really really really afraid to do it. My speakers are I think 10 years old or more and have never had a bath. Maybe time to replace?

Yeah, I'll say it too Jeff, "I'm really scared!"
To buy or not buy?

I've been watching used Quests on Audiogon for a while now. $2800 sounds on the high side, if the dealer got them used on trade in. Used Quest/Questz and ReQuests have gone for around $2400.

If the panels are the problem $1400 sounds like a good deal provided replacements aren't more than a $1000. Somebody else know the replacement costs? You might be able to save a couple hundred by changing the panels yourself.

Did the dealer give you any history on them?
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SugarMedia said:
If anyone out there is considering to wash their panels, PLEASE TAKE PICTURES OF THE PROCESS.

What do you need to know that a picture would help out with? I can only refer and tell about my washing of the Sequel II Panels.

I had the memory card with the pics yesterday....but forgot...

I have pics of the speakers taken appart but not durring the actual washing. I had one stator at a time in the basement wash tub and gently sprayed warm water from the middle down. I actually had to do it half one way and then turn the stator upside down and wash again from the middle down.

The only part of the procedure that took a little bit of time was reassembling the stators and aligning the velcro.
Thanks everyone for their input, I appreciate it. :)

I have just sent the serial numbers to Jim, so hopefully he will get back to me with more details.
speakers are QECH418 and 419
stators are QSDI706 and 707 , so these have been changed before

I have also got more details from the dealer in regards to the dynamics,
He descibes it as the Mid and High's aren't as clean as new panels.

He is comparing them to the Monolith III which he has in his showroom :D

I am about to send an email back asking about buzzing or zaps.
Anything else I should ask him?

I have found the dealer here in Switzerland can get me new stators cheaper than the dealer was going to supply them, so I will save a little money there.

So that now means, I will pick up the Quest's for $1350US as they are.
What does everyone think???????

A quick wash and they could be back to new ;)

Appreciate the feedback
steve is this what you were looking for? (See attachment)


  • Serial number code.doc
    19.5 KB
Super Cool, SugarMedia.
That is great.

So the Electronics 1991 August
and the Stators are 1992 September

Interesting the panels were replaced a year after the electronics date.

I unplugged my Aerius for a coulple of days instead of my typical couple of hours prior to vacuming them. It made a difference to be noticed, not imagened. Putting off the shower thing for at least a year, think I just bought myself some time.
It is quite interesting,
I unplugged my Aerius, so I can have a look at getting the stator out tomorrow, to see what is involved, and take pictures of the steps.

It is still running unplugged for over 4hrs now, and still have the stator putting out sound :eek:

Good thing that I wasn't planning on getting stuck into it until tomorrow arfternoon, maybe I will leave it until friday to play with them.

I will certainly have a good listen to the Quest's once they get here, but I will give them a good vacuum before powering them up :D
I have pretty much decided to buy them, although I would like Jim from ML to reply to my emails.

They will fit my room and very nicely on the outside of my 100 inch wide screen, which my Marquee 9500LC shoots onto.

I should also note that the last time I cleaned the panels I spent 15-20 minutes vacuming each one. This worked much better than the typical 5 minutes each panel. It's like vacuming them three times at once, and three times as effective too.
Well, I pulled the stators out of my Aerius i's and gave them a very good clean today.
The results are amazing, I think that I will do this every year.
They haven't been cleaned this well in about 2 years.

The panels sound like new :p

I got an email from Jim at ML, he said there should be no worries with the Quest's, if they need a good clean (shower method) and it doesn't work,
replace the stators,
then you still have a good units at the price I am getting them at.

So I will be getting the Quest's, now, when will they invent the teleporter,
So I can have them right now :D

Thanks for all the comments and help.

HK-Steve said:
Well, I pulled the stators out of my Aerius i's and gave them a very good clean today. The results are amazing, I think that I will do this every year. They haven't been cleaned this well in about 2 years.
The panels sound like new :p

Welcome aboard the ML Cleaning Staff - we will issue you an ID shortly :D
