Purity Amps

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Dec 17, 2022
Reaction score
Dover Uk
Good morning all.
I need some advice please.
I need to replace my B&O Icepower 200ASC amps in my speakers due to both failing which is really bad luck. PMC can supply them for £275 each however I have found some for £130 each. The issue is the revision number of mine is Ver J and the replacements I have seen are Ver F.
They look slightly different as well although the footprint and connectors all appear to be the same.
Anyone out there can advise if these will be ok please?
many thanks for your time
I just purchased an ICE 200W amp for my Purity from Parts Express. Unfortunately the stat panel is not operating since the new amp was installed. 2 months ago I replaced my other Purity amp and it worked fine. I am now in a checking phase to see what is causing the stat panel's inoperation. The Parts Express amp cost approx. $120 US.
I just purchased an ICE 200W amp for my Purity from Parts Express. Unfortunately the stat panel is not operating since the new amp was installed. 2 months ago I replaced my other Purity amp and it worked fine. I am now in a checking phase to see what is causing the stat panel's inoperation. The Parts Express amp cost approx. $120 US.
To test the stat panels I would suggest you connect the speakers to an external amp. My understanding is that , when you do this the external amp powers the stat panel and the internal icepower amp will drive the subs, this may help to diagnose the stat panel.
hope this helps
Looks like I have to replace an amp in a Purity. Was there a conclusive answer if amp revision mattered? Is the Parts Express $130 the way to go? Should I replace them in pairs or just fix the one that is failing?