Definitely Go Big! That's a classic find indeed, and I'm just wondering why the owner wants to sell. Perhaps due to age, space, finances, or just can't be bothered with massive panels, so downsizing I guess. Whatever the reason, I'm sure they're valid.
Was just in touch with my long-term former dealer mates, who now reside in HK. Most of his sub-dealership network has been consolidated and sold (including mine, way back in 2004/5), thanks to on-line sales of low-end categories, which are causing the big boys all sorts of problems. Having to stock and carry large impressive systems like this, is just not feasible anymore in this industry, especially with cost of living pressures... 100grand systems are not priorities in normal life. Anyway, that's a whole other topic. As we were chatting, our guess is, IF these Statement 1's have been fully refurbed by ML original parts or modded superior parts... that's a great deal. If not, then forget it!
Merely because, at that price (25grand) is not chump change, for much less, around 10-15grand, you can get used CLX's, partner them with a few BF series subs or whatever subs you prefer and Bob's your uncle! Also, the CLX's panels are still available with ML as parts, including all other accessories that come with the CLX's standard or Art series gear. The coherency between stat panels to ML's subs is also completely different compared to this very old Statement series, so there are many factors to consider, other than just because it's a Statement system.
Having said that, I haven't auditioned the older series but have plenty of experience with the newer version, which are the Statement Evo-II's. They are awe-inspiring!
At present these are the speaker systems he currently owns, having relocated from Spore to HK: Statements Evo-II's, CLX's, Magico Q7's, Infinity's IRS V and has just taken delivery of the Genesis Tributes. The G-Tributes were redesigned in honor of the late legend himself, Arnie Nudell. It's a phenomenal speaker system! Now, when listening to all these top flight systems, you'd think one would be better than the other in comparison to performance and sound quality at this level. However, it's definitely not the case. They all sound different and not one surpasses the other. That's why I always say, especially at the highend level, the limitations are in the recording itself and of course the room Acoustics.
BTW, my mates primary amplifiers are the Relentless monoblocks from Dan D's designs. Also has the Pass Labs XA160.8 monoblocks, and the Momentum preamp as his SS collection of gear. It's the tube gear that excels in all areas of greatest performance with finesse! To name a few, CJ's ART300's, ART108A's, ARC REF160M's, VAC Statements, VAC and CJ's ART88 preamps, these are something else! In all this greatness and supreme level of absolute highend, there's one particular system that I always gravitate to whenever I visit (once a year or two) and the opportunity to be delighted in a few hours of awesomeness, that system comprises of the Statements Evo-II's driven with Pass Labs XA160.8 amplifiers and the Momentum preamp. It has always been my reference point in terms of a step closer to the actual event. Utterly effortless dynamics, superb transient control, from a whisper to a thunderous whack in a blink of an eye, and doesn't flinch one bit, now that's impressive! On the more neutral side of things, when it comes to just enjoying the musicality and those fine tunes, I prefer tubes. His CLX's driven with the ART108A's and the ART88 preamp is something to experience. On a lesser scale, I have exactly that same system but I didn't pay over 110grand just for a pre-power combination to drive my CLX's.
The Statements Evo-II's system was also fully refurbed by ML, the full stat panels assembly, parts, frames and stat cross-overs were fully redone with Mundorf and Deuland caps. The midrange array of drivers were also refurbed with ML's composite alloys using mostly aluminium drivers in the full columns, and the sub towers were redone with a fully integrated DSP system from the same units found in the Neoliths, including Vjotko x-overs design. Overall, I found it to be Statements Evo-III's... if ever one existed.
The only major grapple is, these sort of systems need very large rooms, with well equipped room acoustic and panelling. It can't be just a massive area of 4 walls and a high ceiling with some carpets thrown around... hell no. It has to be a well drawn out room, covering all parameters of room acoustics with appropriate wiring to dedicated AC mains supply on separate phases. So, us normal folks really don't have such equipped rooms, plus this is not normal living. I'm not saying that my good mate is abnormal, rather he's retired now, businesses across the Sth East Asian region have been sold off and he's just enjoying those finest tunes! So might as well do so, after your kids are all grown up and living on their own, in which case hell yeah! Build a dedicated room and go for Big! Life's too short eh.
In closing, I would like to say that these Statement 1's are definitely a classic, without a doubt. However, unless all the internal electronics have been fully restored, along with the associated refurbs on the full stat panels themselves, using either original or superior design, 25grand can easily be spent on many other fantastic systems. Apogee's Diva's fully refurbed by Graz up here in Queensland is one example, or even the Duetta Sigs (beautiful ribbon panels) and they only cost a fraction of that to refurb. If you really have to have thunderous bass and LF to rock the house, ML's multiple subs will add that thunder, no worries mate!
Cheers to whoever is thinking of getting these. Obviously you'd be using either a Class A/AB design, definitely not Class D... or some very powerful extraordinary tube gear, that'll definitely drive these optimally.
Until such time, enjoy those fine tunes.
Woof! RJ