Very nice and quite rare! It is interesting that the seller refers to it as "Statement 1 EV2". The ML web site does not have any info on a Statement 1 EV2, there are only the Statement and Statement E2 systems shown there. No matter, this looks like a Statement with a variable electronic crossover. According to the ML site, the original Statement used a fixed crossover of 120 Hz. The seller says it includes the Exos crossover which apparently was used with the E2-- very nice!
I wonder how they had the panels redone if ML does not have the jig? The Statement panels appear way bigger than CLS panels.
I have a "mini Statement"-- original CLS ("new" panels circa 2007) and Kinergetics SW800 subs. I always wanted to hear one of the Statements and compare but I never had the chance. Unfortunately, I don't have the $25,579.30 (plus approx. $2.1k for shipping from Italia) to do it now. :>(