With the disaster over in Japan, I'm wondering what folks reaction / feelings are to nuclear power generation here in this country ?
Myself I believe in a balanced generation of power and the development of said sources that will in the long run have the least amount of enviromental impact. Now with that being said I suspect everybody would feel the same......so it comes down to the known the unknown and the hopefull execution / generation along the correct path !
I have very vivid memories of 3/28/79, seeing that I live between Three Mile Island and Limerick. With that being said I still remain pro-nuclear
Myself I believe in a balanced generation of power and the development of said sources that will in the long run have the least amount of enviromental impact. Now with that being said I suspect everybody would feel the same......so it comes down to the known the unknown and the hopefull execution / generation along the correct path !
I have very vivid memories of 3/28/79, seeing that I live between Three Mile Island and Limerick. With that being said I still remain pro-nuclear