New speaker(s) at CEDIA?

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Super Moderator
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Jan 16, 2005
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ATL Area, GA
Tantalizing tweet today from MartinLogan:

What do you get when you cross an electrostat with Folded Motion? Find out in Atlanta at #CEDIA 2010. #MartinLogan Booth SR-2. #audio

I'm in Atlanta, maybe I should go see for myself.

Anyone got a pass I can use?

Now, the question is: what do you get?

My guess: New center channel speaker
Stage i perhaps with AMT instead of the traditional tweeter smack in the middle of creation.
Let me guess . . . another mass market home theater speaker from the heartland of Canada.

Hey, Im Canadian...

Seriously though, I don't see a huge problem with them being built in Canada. We are not the chinese! The speakers are produced at the same facility that produces high end Paradigm Studio Reference speakers. Us Canucks can produce speaker cabinets just fine my american friends.

If it is another mass market product, it will be a motion product. A tower with a folded motion tweeter, stat midrange with 6" woofer(s). Priced at around $2000.
Seriously though, I don't see a huge problem with them being built in Canada.

I'm not disparaging the Canadiens nor their manufacturing prowess. Simply making a sarcastic reference to Martin Logan's big PR campaign featuring the slogan "Electrostatic Speakers made in the Heartland of America" (or some variation on that theme) right before they shut down production in Kansas, fired most of the people who have been making these speakers for decades, (along with one of the best technical support people to ever work in high end audio) and, for all intents and purposes, merged the brand with Paradigm and shifted their primary focus toward the home theater market.
According to their FB page a few new floor standing speakers.!/pages/MartinLogan/78198259094

Arrrgh!!! (and no, not in honor of Talk Like A Pirate day). I hate that companies are starting to use Facebook/Twitter et al as some new form of the Web. I neither have nor want a Facebook nor Twitter account - I don't trust either as far as I can throw them, particularly with Facebook's penchant for changing policies on the fly. Half of Cnet News' main page is now composed of Twitter links instead of articles.

If you want to reach me as a customer, at least duplicate that information somewhere on your website.
New floorstanding speakers? Bah! I want a new center channel already. Seriously though, the floorstanding esl lineup is pretty good, my bet is they're updating it because they've found a way to make some smaller speakers.
I'm not disparaging the Canadiens nor their manufacturing prowess. Simply making a sarcastic reference to Martin Logan's big PR campaign featuring the slogan "Electrostatic Speakers made in the Heartland of America" (or some variation on that theme) right before they shut down production in Kansas, fired most of the people who have been making these speakers for decades, (along with one of the best technical support people to ever work in high end audio) and, for all intents and purposes, merged the brand with Paradigm and shifted their primary focus toward the home theater market.

HT is where the money is sonny