Welcome to the forum! What ML's do you own?
Woofers on the Vantages hum quietly 24/7. Per ML customer service, that's expected and un-fixable. Perhaps that's what you're hearing......Vantages. Lovin' em even after three years. Got a very low ground loop hum I'd like to isolate now.
Is there a way to get an email when someone replies to a thread? Haven't found a way do that. Possible?
Woofers on the Vantages hum quietly 24/7. Per ML customer service, that's expected and un-fixable. Perhaps that's what you're hearing......
Just above your first post there is a toolbar and there is an option that says "thread tools" Click it, and then click the subheading "subscribe to this thread", the next screen will give you an option to receive an email when someone replies the the thread.