New Member from Colorado

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Mar 7, 2008
Reaction score
Greetings from Colorado!

I am a new MLO member, but a long time audio enthusiast.

Right now I am running ML's in both my audio and HT rigs:

Audio: Monolith IIIx, 2 x Anthem AMP2SE, Anthem Pre2SE, Anthem CD-1

HT: Re-Quests, Scripts, (no center or sub.. yet!), Anthem AVM20, Anthem MC5, Dennon 2910, Sharp XV-2000

all plumbing is Audioquest with Johston Silver connects.

I am here to learn more about how to complete my HT system. I really like the work John Foulkes has done with his IB sub and center channel. I hope to do something like that (but completely different to complete my system.)

I am also intregued about the use of Corian, as in another newbies ML's, as I saw Corian used quite effectively to build boxes at this years CES in Vegas. I will build my center channel project in Corian, and steal ideas from absolutely anybody willing to share advice.

What I like about my ML's is how uncolored and convincing they sound.

The last CD I bought is "Here is What is" from Daniel Lanois. Musically the CD is very nice, sonically the tracks are uneven. If I listen in my car.. no problem, but in my home either it sounds like an oversaturated and compressed bootleg, or angels singing. Such is the nature of my current 2 channel set up.

Very best and glad to be here,
