Hola Gary.:bowdown: We, members of the forum, also are very worried due to the high SPL and the super power amps that you are using.
Remember that we do not have spare parts for our ears.

If you damage them, there is a none return path. Because everything is crystal clear at high level, this does not means that you could not hurt them. Please, excuse my dare to say this, but I rather be a spoiler, than have a good friend with a hearing loss. Be careful. 110dB its a jet taking off at 500 feet of distance. I also know what are you seeking. Trying to be at the concert hall. But also there, you must protect your ears.
Once, with the Ninth Beethoven's Symphony, at our National Theatre, and having over 200 musicians with the choir, and being at a distance from the stage not more thant 20 feet, with my Ivie portable SPL, I did measured scale C weighted, at the highest peak levels, not more than 93dB!!!! And the feeling of having that many musicians playing and singing at the same time, is unforgettable. The presence, the stage, the whole orchestra, everything...it is impossible to reproduce in our systems yet. Its not the SPL, its the quantity air that was moved. Besides, there is only the air, between the singers and the instruments and your ears.
The rock concerts are reproduced through speakers and there are a lot of distortions, a reason why the recording is made at the output of the recording console.
I wish to you the happiest listening! But be careful!