Well-known member
For starters, I would get HEAVY drapes for the double windows (? sliding glass doors), +/- some (removeable) absorptive panels behind them. Keep the drapes closed for serious listening. In addition to the extreme toe-in, I would get 2' x 4' 2" panels to place behind the Summits (just lean them against wall if you don't want perm mount). A couple of corner bass-traps would be helpful as well. The fireplace to the right is likely creating havoc; so an acoustic panel in front of it will help. A big pile of real/synthetic logs inside should help eliminate reverb. You can likewise put a matching treatment on the door/wall to the left. Looks like you have plenty of space to the rear of the room (behind your couch), and it appears to be fairly asymmetric, so probably not hurting sonics. I wouldn't think you'd need any ceiling treatments, but try everything else first and then decide. Ideally, see if you can "borrow" some acoustic panels from local buddies, and experiment with their effect before laying out $$. You could certainly make DIY panels, but if you're like me, time is more valuable than money, so buying inexpensive panels might be easiest. A lot of us are in the same acoustic boat, so hang in there... it'll all come together in the end!