Hello everyone, sorry for my lack of response, work has been really busy all the way until literally 4 hours ago. Gotta keep those flour mills turning otherwise the world ends

I have been listening to a ton of vinyl lately since I don't even have internet yet. Today I decided to replace my 12" subwoofer with a RCF 22" PA sub I had leftover from my home theater days. I threw it in a smallish slot ported box I made for it years ago to go in the back of a CRV for kicks and stuck it in the corner. After trying it with the port firing horizontally I found that firing the port straight up worked the best, this also essentially corner loaded it between the wall and the door.
It does actually sound considerably better than the 12" sub I had in the same spot before, it has a very clean sound. I feel the placement still is not ideal though, if I have time tomorrow I will move the massive box into my main listing space (the middle of my kitchen) and wander around the house to see where I find the best bass. I'm really hoping it ends up being the coffee table in the living room because that would be perfect. You can kinda see the coffee table in the last picture, it's a ways away from the main speakers.