So, a guy on WBF who took my reco and "I bought a set of Ultra Diamond Resonator and placed them. Under the pre. Wossshh they did a Dramatic diference with the precedent feet ! How can I say because my english vocabulary is a bit limited I can summarise as stupidly as much more "musical" music reproduction. More organic and more emotionnally involving. The impression of being more in contact with the musician. The impression for me to be more part of the whole event.
I listened to some well known records and I never heard music this good and involving in my system until now. Didn.t even imagined I could best my system in such a way only woth 3 pieces of wood. It's a kind of magic."
....(cont'd in another post) I just ordered another set of used UDR in germany. Where do you think I should try it first ? I also surprise myself thinking about the Giant Resonators, something I couldn't imagine before hearing to what UDR are capable of.... Did I say crazy ? Does someone here already exprienced with Giant vs Ultras ?"
And then from another guy
"They were a revelation under my b.p.t. and Entreq grounding. My take is that unlike Stillpoints, which accentuate the leading edge of notes, the Mooks accentuate the body of the note, enhancing tone. They do amazing things w/basslines. All holistic, making each note more "together", not a forensic enhancement as I found Stillpoints to bring my sound."
And yet another "Great news with your Mooks ****igh. I received 14 more discs today which have expanded my soundstage again."