Sorry, technical bias is very different from stating "that I am right because I am engineer and interpreted your statement to suit my way of thinking so that I could win the argument"
Edited to add: "And the rest are morons"
Ken, Jon Fo, are technical
It's obvious that I really hit a nerve with you and I'm sorry you feel that way.
There are things that I understand completely enough that I consider them indisputable facts.
Obviously you don't believe that I have that understanding and GG made mention of my way of thought being religious. To my mind that is extremely funny because I see a belief in something that can't scientifically exist as being much more religious in nature, but that is WAYYYY of topic.
I don't consider any of you morons. I suspect that most people on this forum are pretty intelligent people.
The real question is how we deal with each other and the fact that we don't believe the same things.
I have no problem with people who have completely different belief systems than I have. Everyone including myself has beliefs that we won't budge on and since I'm the ONLY person on this planet to agrees with me 100% of the time, life would really suck if I couldn't get along with people who didn't feel the exact same way I feel about things.