Stone flat FR into any reasonable load, inaudible distortion and S/N >120dB.Also because of the sound
What sound?
Stone flat FR into any reasonable load, inaudible distortion and S/N >120dB.Also because of the sound
and as long as I give it a new home instead of putting it in the landfill, I don't think there is any harm done.
But you're not helping anything either then!
By giving it a new home, the energy wastage is still happening - it is just someone else instead of you that is consuming the energy. It might make you feel better, but does absolutely nothing for the world overall.
Stone flat FR into any reasonable load, inaudible distortion and S/N >120dB.
What sound?
I guess I shouldn't get that Tesla Model X either.. Now I'm really depressed!
Even if they can create the same sonic qualities of the best Class A amplifiers available, or are you completely dismissing that as even being theoretically possible?
Spot on.
I completely understand your view of my posts to date and I'm sure you have a more discerning ear than I do.
Maybe I don't. But unless I have heard it a few times I don't tell people I have a discerning ear so I know the component being discussed, nor do I tell them I am an engineer hence smart, etc so trust me, I know best
In the world of analog I will I will tip my hat to those with experience.
In the world of digital transport there are situations where it can be absolutely proven that there is zero way that any impact on sound quality can happen. That's mathematical and there is no gray area. It can be scientifically be proven. There is nothing subjective in this realm except biases that you bring with you.
We will have to agree to disagree on that last point, since I doubt either of us will ever budge and each of us feels very strongly about it.
*Groan* - At least Ethan Weiner was an expert at what he did
Was the Marigo dots stuff really 8 years ago? Wow. That thread was a true classic.
Was the Marigo dots stuff really 8 years ago? Wow. That thread was a true classic.
That thread will be hard to forget![]()