Couple of days later it was time to modify the high pass section. This was the big thing I had been waiting for! :rocker:
Original layout of the high pass section, everything was exactly as in the elecrical diagram. Thank you once more Spectral for posting.
<a href="¤t=HPoriginal.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket" ></a>
I also wanted to experiment with optional circuit because I don't generally like using capacitors directly parallel or in series with each other. This is of course a modification not only a tweak. I will not make it public. There is no level or phase difference to the original circuit by ML at the crossover frequency area, only a small level up at around 10kHz but mainly less than 1dB by simulation. Minimum impedance at 20kHz is 0,8ohm or more. Clarity Cap ESA's are the shiny ones to replace CX1 and CX2. One Cross Cap here CX4, could have been higher quality or maybe bypass later with Vishay (maybe a bypass for CX3 too).
<a href="¤t=HPmod4.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket" ></a>
I used hot glue for fixing everything. Make sure all components and wires are secured and connections are stress free, there can be a lot of vibration inside a speaker.
So did it make any difference? Yes! If I need to summarize in one word - I would say
spatial resolution. That's more than one word but anything less would be an understatement, lol

It is more easy to pinpoint locations in soundfield, especially in depth and height. There are other benefits too like the highest highs are more crisp but there in no increace in sibilance maybe even less as clearness and cleaness has increased. It does not chance Odyssey to another speaker, only makes it better in what it already is :music:
Everything I have done was done so that it can be reversed and brought back to the original state. One advice for anyone with modification plans, the complete crossover and electronics can be removed and all work done outside speaker cabinet - that's the way to do it nice and easy - next time, lol!