Which ML subwoofers are built in North America now? Would ML subs be considered better match to ML electrostatics compared to JL Audio subs?
In some recordings seem to miss my Velodyne subwoofer but want either JL audio or ML subwoofer...
Would would you go with? Would 2 subs be to much for 10 ft x 20 ft room?
I have a pair of Descent-i's in front and a pair of Descents in the rear of a 21 x 15 room. There have been a number of acoustics papers on multiple subs for smoothing out bass response in a room. When dialed in, the bass response from 4 subs is honest rather than heart-stopping. The M-L subs are also designed to mate with their ESL's. It is likely that other subs such as the JLs,RELs or Paradigms could work as well. The most critical issue is to take the time to establish position of the subs, adjust their phasing, and, just as important, their levels. If you have a frequency analyzer (some subs come with this feature), smooth frequency response in the low bass levels can be optimized. One thing that you will appreciate with multiple subs is that the midrange gets much better.