Don't really care...thanks for adding to the fun!
Geez, you're kinda sensitive and rude all at the same time!
Don't really care...thanks for adding to the fun!
I revived a thread and killed a relationship all in one post. anyway, thanks for the info so far guys. I just ordered both and will let you know what I think! (in a few days...the Trio will be here tomorrow, the Bel Canto on Monday)
my GCC-250 has a damping factor that exceeds 1000. Over here in Switzerland, it retails for about $6000, almost 3 times what it costs in the US. But I got one nevertheless. And yes, I love it clean, transparent and dynamic, that's what I most appreciate about ML's, and I won't brake them with Rotels or tubes. Nuff said.
How are tubes going to break your ML's?
I took "brake" to actually mean restrict and not damage.
This is what i was kinda afraid of...granted, a break-in period is needed. However, how do we really know if the amps in the modern well-respected brand receivers are all that bad?? I keep on reading reviews of Denon receivers and there is nothing negative that is said about them sonically by the reviewers. The bench testings are impressive too (at least for upper end Denon receivers). What gives?! I am on the sidelines about whether to spend an extra $2500 or so for a Sunfire amps or just keep what i have.
Correct, that's what I meant.
Taken from
"EveAnna Manley's lighthearted and well-written instruction manual recommends allowing the Snappers to warm up for about 45 minutes before commencing serious listening, and even offers suggestions for appropriate music choices during the warmup period."
45 minutes of doing something else, instead of listening to music, in a best-case 2-hour listening time-window is a brake, in my book. Not a break. And when EveAnna speaks, I listen.
Way to wait until after I buy a Rotel to mention this
You're SO FIRED!
Well, listening to the BC, I have to turn up the volume about 5-6 steps to get the same volume out. It is definately softer. Does anyone know why this is?
I compared:
A: Just receiver (control group)
B: receiver + PS Audio (brighter, with cleaner bass)
C: receiver + Bel Canto (softer - after turning up volume to get same level sounded similar to PS, but still not as bright sounding)
thoughts ?
Don't really care...thanks for adding to the fun!
Robonaut is right, the impedance of Logans is far from constant.